Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.
Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.
Pour yourself a cup of Joe. That morning coffee could provide an unexpected health benefit.
Improve your mood with nutrition essentials for mental health.
Irritable bowel syndrome has no single known cause and is categorized in four ways.
Good sexual health provides many benefits to our immune system. And vice versa.
Good sexual health provides many benefits to our immune system. And vice versa.
Good sexual health provides many benefits to our immune system. And vice versa.
Consuming nutrient-dense foods helps support your baby's health in childhood and beyond.
Here's what you need to know about this eating disorder (that's actually a sensory disorder).
Some people swear this nutrient is the key to losing weight, but how much do you really need?
Some people swear this nutrient is the key to losing weight, but how much do you really need?
Guys might know how much protein they need, but fiber is another essential nutrient.
Guys might know how much protein they need, but fiber is another essential nutrient.
Experts raise concerns about the WIEIAD trend on TikTok and Instagram.
Bloated and backed up with an ache in your balls? It could be a case of referral pain.
How zinc, iron and magnesium can improve your sexual health.
Pregnant women who eat chocolate may help lower preeclampsia risk—but there are caveats.
Pregnant women who eat chocolate may help lower preeclampsia risk—but there are caveats.
The term is contentious, but experts and those affected say the condition's impact is profound.
Make sure you're getting the nutrients you and your growing baby need.
Make sure you're getting the nutrients you and your growing baby need.
What's the truth behind college weight gain and the notorious freshman 15?
A new study suggests a potential link between a high-UPF diet, cancer development and death.
A new study suggests a potential link between a high-UPF diet, cancer development and death.
Too much caffeine can impact our hormones, cycles, ability to conceive and so much more.
Too much caffeine can impact our hormones, cycles, ability to conceive and so much more.
Does pineapple induce labor or cause miscarriage? Find out if you can give in to your cravings.
Does pineapple induce labor or cause miscarriage? Find out if you can give in to your cravings.
Eating ripe papaya during pregnancy is fine. Unripe papaya, not so much.
Eating ripe papaya during pregnancy is fine. Unripe papaya, not so much.
Dietary interventions may have the potential to lessen aging-related hormonal symptoms.
Panelists discuss the benefits of real-time diabetes technology and the need for more access.
Panelists discuss the benefits of real-time diabetes technology and the need for more access.
Signs you may be getting too much or not enough of this essential nutrient.
Signs you may be getting too much or not enough of this essential nutrient.
How can something so sweet cause sexual dysfunction?
How can something so sweet cause sexual dysfunction?
You may prevent bone loss with a daily dose of this dried fruit, according to research.
Out-of-whack hormones can affect anyone. Physical activity and nutrition are keys to balance.
We've heard the alleged benefits of this time-restrictive diet. Are they too good to be true?
Author Valter Longo, Ph.D., offers dietary advice for long-term health, including sexual health.
Author Valter Longo, Ph.D., offers dietary advice for long-term health, including sexual health.
There's no magic formula for a better diet. It takes commitment and a little education.
There's no magic formula for a better diet. It takes commitment and a little education.
When you shed pounds without sacrificing health, the rewards are bountiful.
What's the actual science and what's just something someone heard once?
Products with many additives have been linked to poor health outcomes for moms and babies.
Research indicates that innovative dietary approaches could address the causes of autoimmunity.
Adding the right foods to your diet can make anal sex more comfortable.
A lack of quality nutrients creates physical symptoms. Fortunately, the effects are reversible.
Create a gluten-free home, be safe in social settings and know how to react to gluten ingestion.
Good sex requires lubrication, inside and outside of your body.
Good sex requires lubrication, inside and outside of your body.
Good sex requires lubrication, inside and outside of your body.
Your diet affects all aspects of your well-being, from function to fertility.
Though less discussed than gut health, your rectal community is as important for sexual health.
Since many sufferers are undiagnosed, it's an important topic for everyone.
Research finds more vegetables, fruit and whole grains may reduce incidence by 22 percent.
Impacting way more than your waistline, these pervasive chemicals can affect your sexual health.
It might seem obvious, but sometimes the nuances are enough to thwart the best of intentions.
Losing a few pounds looks different for everyone, but the benefits are universal.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
Eating plant-based foods may lower the chances of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Eating plant-based foods may lower the chances of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
Bloating is pretty normal, but occasionally it can be a problem.
Bloating is pretty normal, but occasionally it can be a problem.
Let's dispel myths: Breasts may change throughout your life, but you can't grow them with milk.
New research links phthalates, a ubiquitous chemical, with larger abdominal tumors.
The answer is probably exactly what you think a vaginal taste should be.
The answer is probably exactly what you think a vaginal taste should be.
One of the most important challenges you face if you have the virus is poor nutrition.
Whether the foods you eat taste good or bad, they won't make your vaginal smell different.
Foods that irritate the prostate should be avoided or best eaten in moderation.
Men who eat the least whole foods are 30 percent more likely to develop the disease, study says.
If you are expecting twins or more, you need to cover a higher metabolic demand.
More than 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes. Half of those don't even know they have it.
The answer isn't clear-cut. Spearmint tea likely can't hurt when paired with viable treatments.
Healthy living is a priority for many people, but not all diet trends are helpful.
Fat in the midsection affects vascular health, a known erectile dysfunction risk factor.
If you're a fan of black pepper and other seasonings, we've got good news for you.
Maintaining a healthy weight, lifestyle and diet are key elements to preventing this condition.
Discussing health concerns and lifestyle adjustments before getting pregnant is critical.
Younger men are increasingly experiencing ED, and most of the reasons are avoidable.
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder creates intense anxiety, limiting nutrient intake.
A healthy lifestyle can manage fat cells to prevent chronic disease and erectile dysfunction.
Two recent studies suggest matcha green tea can improve fertility in males.
These nutrients benefit your body and mind and can do wonders for your sexual health, too.
Essential in the body, zinc levels are tied to systems including erectile health and libido.
A couple of cups of Joe a day may improve your health, but do they make you a better lover?
At age 25, your body begins losing collagen. Be smart about supplementing it.
You might want to stay away from this popular fermented drink when you're expecting.
Author and urologist Jesse Mills, M.D., challenges misconceptions about men's sexual health.
Phytoestrogens are both hailed and hated, but the reality is largely ambivalent.
Does eating a pineapple or drinking pineapple juice make a man's semen taste good and sweet?
It might be time to take a flexible approach to dieting if you're seeking sustainable change.
Lifestyle changes and healthy habits in midlife can decrease your risk of developing dementia.
Does the size of your penis depend on your genetic heritage?
A diagnosis may sound demoralizing, but this condition doesn't have to lead to diabetes.
Diet culture may be outdated, but concerns over caloric intake still raise health questions.
Studies show conflicting information on caffeine, but overall diet can affect breast health.
All that energy for sex might come from carbohydrates.
This fatty acid may provide some relief for mental and physical symptoms of PMS.
Inflammation in the genital tract can cause testosterone deficiency and a low sperm count.
Learn about the chemical reactions that provide the energy we need to live.
After physical exertion, you need to replace lost fluids. The question is which beverage to use.
After physical exertion, you need to replace lost fluids. The question is which beverage to use.
After physical exertion, you need to replace lost fluids. The question is which beverage to use.
If you're craving candy, it may be best to forgo this controversial treat.
Consumers can now get better educated about over-the-counter products they might be considering.
The link between men's cardiovascular health and sexual performance is difficult to overstate.
Inflammatory bowel disease not only changes your life but your libido, too.
There's limited data to suggest you'll put on pounds with the pill, but you might with the shot.
There's limited data to suggest you'll put on pounds with the pill, but you might with the shot.
It may not feel like it, but 2.5 percent of your body is metal—and sometimes you need a top-off.
The beverage has many purported health benefits, but can it keep disease at bay?
This approach alone may not save us from climate change, but it's good for you…and the planet.
A lack of liquid can have serious side effects on your sexual health.
You are what you eat—and that's not always a good thing.
A modern look at pea protein and the infamous component that terrifies women trying to conceive.
Restrictive diets can negatively impact your menstrual cycle—so how does IF stack up?
Some research suggests there may be benefits, but the correlation is still being explored.
You may not know you have a gallbladder until the pain gets so bad it gets surgically removed.
Some men effectively manage their enlarged prostate symptoms without medication or surgery.
Many of these kitchen gadgets come with a warning, so let's take a look at the concerns.
Experts say food restrictions fundamentally won't succeed for sustainable weight loss.
When society keeps piling on dietary rules and restrictions, a mind can cave to the pressure.
Nine out of 10 people with kidney disease don't know they have it. Don't let that be you.
An acclaimed burlesque performer finally finds her own truth: I am not my hair.
Before you reach for a prescription, ask your doctor about steps you can take on your own.
You sleep and you sleep and you sleep and yet you're never refreshed. But treatment is possible.
Experts weigh in on the factors that contribute to reactions and what you can do for relief.
Focusing on losing weight while nursing can be harmful. The experts explain why.
Kidney stones that travel down the ureter can cause excruciating pain. What's the solution?
What was once a marketing slogan remains in our cultural conscience, because breakfast matters.
From your libido to your fertility, a variety of fresh fruits and veggies are best for sex.
Watch out for the tipping point between self-improvement and self-destruction.
Hyperemesis gravidarum can be rough, but one mom found a silver lining.
Exercising too much, and eating too little, can have a wide range of health consequences.
Getting the perfect booty doesn't have to mean spending thousands of dollars on surgery.
The benefits and risks of time-restricted food consumption largely depend on the individual.
In reality, the movement obeys U.S. beauty standards, and self-love is often one size fits all.
Key nutrients such as magnesium and calcium might make your PMS symptoms more bearable.
Key nutrients such as magnesium and calcium might make your PMS symptoms more bearable.
You could take a supplement or a medication, but the best solution might be today's lunch.
When your member is buried, it's still there but no longer visible on the outside.
How the condition began 15 years ago, the way life changed and what reality looks like now.
While the risk of cardiovascular problems increases as you age, lifestyle changes can help.
Your food has a long journey from being picked to being displayed on store shelves.
Kidney disease doesn't have to slow you down, but it does take planning.
Managing diabetes may feel like an uphill battle, but the climb is simpler than you think.
Making even small changes to what you do (and don't) eat can improve the gland's health.
Constipation may seem unrelated to sex…until pleasure turns to pain.
Keeping prostate- and vascular-caused urinary symptoms in check may lead to better erections.
You can tell a lot by looking at someone's fingernails—the good, the bad and the ugly.
These two autoimmune conditions originate in the digestive system and can lead to cancers.
The reason may not matter in the moment, but sometimes ED is the exception, not the rule.
Think this is too boring to read? Well, having more sex is one of the suggestions.
The BMI has been a key measure of public health for decades, but many say it's ineffective.
It's not always a sudden and forceful accident that brings agony to your penis or testicles.
Getting tested five years earlier could make a difference in detection, treatment and survival.
ACV has long been touted as a cure-all, but does it really deliver?
More than 12.1 million Americans will have atrial fibrillation by 2030. Don't be one of them.
Erections are all about blood flow, and high glucose levels can damage the passageways.
Inflammation of the rectal lining—proctitis—sometimes occurs in prostate cancer patients.
Don't sweat the small stuff, unless the small stuff is hyperhidrosis.
Pay less attention to catchy marketing and more attention to Mother Nature.
People are quick to ignore the symptom, though it's a leading cause of disability.
Knowing the origin of your food allows you to make educated choices for a healthy body and mind.
Factors associated with vegetarian and vegan diets can affect your reproductive health.
For most men, turning 50 brings body changes and challenges.
You can ditch meat, for whatever reason, without losing your mind.
You can ditch meat, for whatever reason, without losing your mind.
Diabetes comes with many secondary complications, including potential sleep problems.
These suggestions may seem obvious, but you need to heed them—get in shape and see your doctor.
Don't let stomach acid ruin your night. Take steps so you don't feel the burn.
Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.
It's not just an old person's condition, and misconceptions can delay diagnosis.
Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease and the number-one cause of hypothyroidism.
A new diagnosis can be overwhelming, but with practice, you can learn to control the disease.
Some foods and supplements can decrease the effectiveness of the pill. Here's what to know.
What do people who dedicate themselves to helping others do to help themselves?
Eating disorders affect hormonal health, but do hormones increase your risk of developing one?
What are they, who's in charge of them and how did they get into your food?
The disease, which gradually clogs arteries, can lead to erectile dysfunction and more.
Get to know more about what you’re consuming—it’s all there, in black and white.
Only time and more trials will tell us if the controversial decision was the right one.
While the diet may feel restrictive, it's worth it for the health of you and your baby.
This former indicator of wealth has since become common in a much broader population.
Some 'healthy' foods aren't a great choice for men with diabetes. Avoid this elevated-GI fare.
They enhance the flavors, the colors and the aroma of food—and they're good for you, too.
When bathroom urges regularly interrupt your nightly rest, it's time to take some action.
Understanding your vagina is important but experts say you won't find answers with this product.
Don't let fad diets dictate what's healthy and what's not.
It's a life-threatening condition you may not even know you have.
Prioritizing nutrient-rich food sources can maximize your overall health.
Sleep can be an ongoing challenge, but there are medications and lifestyle changes that work.
A good night's sleep is critical to overall well-being, including your sex life and erections.
Not feeling right? You might not be getting enough water, even if you have your daily 64 ounces.
Carbs, proteins and fat all play a role in complete nutrition.
Research shows eliminating certain foods and adding others may alleviate your symptoms.
It's not uncommon for a weight-loss trend to go viral, but this one looks a little different.
Understanding the role diet plays before, during and after your period can help manage symptoms.
If you have celiac disease and are having trouble conceiving, a new diet might help your odds.
The impact on your emotional and cognitive health can be profound in the short- and long-term.
Chronic yeast infections and their discharge could be a condition called lichen sclerosus.
You hear about dietary options all the time, but here's some help to decide what's best for you.
No matter how a product is advertised, check the ingredient and nutrition labels first.
The actress aims to eliminate the shame around pregnancy complications.
What to do the morning after when you've had one too many the night before.
Flatulence and more—everything you never really wanted to know about gas.
New evidence suggests hot flashes can be alleviated by dietary changes.
Be warned, you can't believe everything you read on a label.
Whole grains, fruits, veggies can lower the risk of aggressive cancer and high PSA, studies say.
A lot of American adults have hypertension, but few of us do anything about it.
Easily mistaken for a nut allergy, this syndrome is a unique and lifelong condition.
When doctors focus on the wrong part of their patient, trust begins to deteriorate.
A plant-based diet can help reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction, a new study concludes.
Lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of developing cancer.
A blockage in the abdominal aorta limits blood flow to the legs and another important body part.
Everybody has bowel movements, but no one talks about it. Maybe we should.
While autoimmunity remains incurable and its cause unknown, dietary changes may help.
Certain foods help boost concentration and energy—others may do just the opposite.
Put down that cup of joe. Try these instead and cut down on the jitters.
The absence of testosterone and other hormones may signal future bone loss.
Thyroid function is essential for getting pregnant and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
You can live a full and happy life…yes, even without gluten.
If you suffer from these conditions, update your menu with sources of flavonoids and lycopene.
An easily overlooked nutritional deficiency can seriously starve the brain.
As an essential component of erections, NO can be a big yes in avoiding ED.
Understanding fertility and the lifestyle choices that affect it are crucial to conception.
The 'LA's Finest' actor opens up about his relationship and talking to his teens.
The popular diet trend requires a major tweak to truly be healthy.
The causes of ED often differ between older and younger guys, but the effects are the same.
Managing both conditions comes down to common sense. Talking to your doctor is a great start.
Does what you eat and drink really make a difference in intimate odor? Not so much.
Does what you eat and drink really make a difference in intimate odor? Not so much.
Therapeutic interventions, diet and exercise may help you overcome mental health conditions.
Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
An underactive thyroid is a lifelong condition, but it's highly manageable with early detection.
A well-known culprit in poor diets, excessive salt can also directly affect erections.
The often criticized diet has some disturbing side effects for women.
It's the little things that mean the most to help with this common, yet devastating, illness.
The ultimate guide to healing so you can get on with your life.
Don't believe every piece of nutrition advice that gets posted on social media.
We are what we eat—but maybe we are what we pee, as well.
Food in the bedroom can be fun, but it can also create a hot mess.
Changes to the central nervous system’s pain response can cause anxiety and depression.
Changing your diet and introducing exercise to your regimen may up your odds of stopping cancer
You can't turn back time, but these lifestyle changes may help you look and feel younger.
Choose how you want to drop pounds, but be careful of ineffective or dangerous practices.
Research indicates a direct link between what we eat and how we feel.
Have you ever woken up and been briefly unable to move at all? Hint: It's not the sandman.
Changes to your eating and lifestyle could be the key to managing chronic bowel symptoms.
It's not a magic potion, but as part of a lifestyle, these foods can confer healthy rewards.
The mechanics of diabetes-related damage are complicated, but controllable.
The obsession with taking up less space damages self-esteem and health. Gaining muscle can help.
The first can cause the second, which can be a sign of the first. It's all about blood flow.
Specific exercises might be elusive, but overall activity is definitely beneficial.
Prolonged exposure to an elevated blood glucose level can cause erectile dysfunction.
Let's look at the evidence on whether your favorite pick-me-up puts you at risk for cancer.
If you're skeptical about the benefits and safety of fasting, here's what you should know.
Responsible drinking can become second nature once you understand the facts and benefits.
If you're feeling lightheaded and sleepy today, that could mean serious trouble down the line.
Well done or rare, too much red meat might make for fewer erections.
Phyllis Frempong, R.N., explains the role diet plays in fibroid management.
How much do you know about the process that factors heavily into male fertility?
Parents play a significant role in how children perceive their bodies and develop self-worth.
Like all weight loss medical procedures, this innovation has significant benefits and risks.
Stop wasting cash on expensive fads and shop for these science-backed skincare ingredients.
Your brain and body depend on sugar, but how much is too much or not enough in your diet?
They're the key to success in male fertility, so know how to improve sperm quality.
Nurture your body by choosing foods that correspond with the ebb and flow of your hormones.
Heart disease is just as common among women as men and every bit as dangerous.
Whether T2 is a new or old challenge in your life, these refresher FAQs can help.
When body chemicals get out of whack, it can affect every aspect of your life.
Separating fact from fiction about erectile dysfunction can help reignite your sex life.
Just like other parts of the body, your genitals can benefit from antioxidant-rich foods.
Yes, you can wear a bra to bed.
Understanding how to manage common complications is essential for a happy, healthy pregnancy.
Creating a supportive lifestyle is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.
Drinking water and knowing how to wash your face are not enough for flawless skin.
Understand the ways doctors stage and rate prostate cancer, and how they talk about it.
Certain dietary and lifestyle changes can tame inflammation and improve your libido.
This common condition can affect fertility, but help is available.
Anemia can be a serious side effect of heavy periods, but treatment options are available.
Running is a straightforward and accessible exercise, but that doesn't make it the best choice.
The disease has a promising recovery rate, especially if you take an active role in treatment.
Try these top 5 ways to manage endometriosis from the comfort of your own home.
Can you strive for fitness while appreciating your natural form?
With heavily restricted diets picking up in popularity, here's how they can affect your body.
For long-term health, encourage your children to focus on nutrition, not body image.
Stress impacts your level of sexual desire, but it may do so differently for men and women.
Stress impacts your level of sexual desire, but it may do so differently for men and women.
What you eat can profoundly impact hormone levels and overall health.
Celebrate a healthy new start by resuming your pre-pandemic exercise regimen. Just be careful.
Aging takes a toll on the body, but a healthy lifestyle can keep you robust through the years.
Though it's common and often harmless, an ignored case of BPH can lead to complications.
Help your partner manage these conditions so both of you can enjoy a satisfying sex life.
Sudden shifts in emotion are a frustrating side effect of a new life stage. Here’s how to deal.
Dive into the facts about erectile dysfunction and blood pressure medication.
Like the other parts of your body, your prostate needs the right foods to stay healthy.
If you're having trouble getting ready for love, your beer belly could be the culprit.
A diet of plant-based whole foods boosts sex drive and helps with performance issues such as ED.
Stress can compromise your immunity and increase the risk of relapse after prostate cancer.
How is prostatitis treated? What are some prevention methods? Here are the answers you need.
Foreskin or no foreskin, your bits need a good cleaning. Find out how to get in there properly.
When a diagnosis turns your life upside down, you need all the comfort you can bring in.
Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction, but that doesn't mean you can't prevent it.
A holistic approach can relieve menstrual cramps if pharmaceuticals are not for you.
Alzheimer's disease is becoming more prevalent, but you can slow its development.
Diet, supplements, special baths and de-stressing are just a few of the treatments available.
With dietary supplements and workout adaptations, you don't have to suffer through your period.
Breast health can't be separated from full-body health, and there are many benefits to both.
Since the two conditions are so closely tied together, treating one should improve both.
Learn how the shape and swimming style of sperm affect male fertility.
Changes in your urine stream could point to one of two prostate issues. Find out what they are.
Can changing your diet help you prevent or alleviate a urinary tract infection?
Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome face a daily struggle to manage their symptoms.
There are some surprisingly simple and holistic remedies to improve vaginal health.
Erectile dysfunction isn't just about your penis—often it's a sign of other health problems.
From causing bad moods to ED, low testosterone can take a toll. Here's how to help your partner.
Diabetic men are more prone to erectile issues than men at large. Get answers that help.
How and why ovarian health isn’t just about having children.
Enjoy your veggies but don't want to give up meat entirely? Try flexitarianism.
Both positive and negative effects are associated with these plant-based compounds we all eat.
Crohn's disease, a form of IBD, affects millions of people in the United States.
You don't have to feel helpless—here's how to take action.
No one can prepare for a cancer diagnosis, but there are ways to manage your emotions.
Eating dairy-free doesn't have to hurt—your favorite snacks and meals are still within reach.
You shouldn’t have to decide between clear skin and safe sex.
You can still maximize your chances of getting pregnant after the age of 35.
While not strictly necessary, certain probiotic strains can help with persistent health issues.
As testosterone levels decline with age, men may experience a range of symptoms.
Stop taking the pink stuff and get to a gastroenterologist.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) creates obstacles for sex, but wise choices can mitigate them.
With patience and positivity, you can be the secret weapon in a friend's battle against tobacco.
Minimizing anxiety and distress reduces the negative mental health impacts for patients.
A plant-based diet may aid recovery, while processed foods are best avoided.
Long-term use of certain oral contraception may help prevent some reproductive cancers.
The links are so clear that ED can even predict cardiovascular problems.
Self-care is a good remedy for the negative side effects of radiation therapy.
Because the penis plays a vital role in bodily functions, maintaining its health is essential.
Keeping blood sugar in check by watching your diet can also help with erectile function.
Challenges of diabetes and erectile dysfunction are intertwined but readily manageable.
Seeking treatment for PTSD may help prevent premature dementia and hypertension in older adults.
Left untreated, anxiety can lead to serious long-term physical and mental health complications.
Anxiety and other aspects of mental health can be complicated to track or articulate.
Most cervical cancers can be prevented with help from your doctor and a healthy immune system.
Approaching each condition separately can help with both.
Systemic racism is seriously affecting fertility rates across the United States.
The pill may be a miraculous drug, but it's not perfect. Here's what you need to know.
Are you making a fresh start? Here's how you can return to healthy living after an addiction.
All those clichéd healthy-lifestyle recommendations matter more when you're trying to conceive.
A leaner, meaner you means lower blood sugar and better erections.
Experiencing the miracle of carrying a life may leave your breasts feeling less than perfect.
Lifestyle changes and proper treatments could help get you in the mood.
Studies of testosterone's effect on diabetes also offer insights into erectile dysfunction.
Studies show this cosmetic treatment may also improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Men with diabetes are more likely to suffer from ED, but do ED drugs work well for diabetic men?
Ignore the conflicting information out there about how to get in shape. Here's the bottom line.
Exercise and meditation can enhance sexual performance, but what if you take supplements, too?
Focus on foods that enhance heart health, sexual health and overall health—all at the same time.
Find out why balanced nutrition, exercise and stress management should be top priorities.
Eating for two comes with crucial responsibilities, some of which you may not expect.
Feeling depressed? Forget the social stigma and get help—for your body as much as your mind.
The metabolic process affects how you process food and plays a role in a healthy libido.
Some foods increase testosterone and improve function, but may not offer the boost you expect.
Some foods increase testosterone and improve function, but may not offer the boost you expect.
Some foods increase testosterone and improve function, but may not offer the boost you expect.
If you're struggling to stay erect, your first call should probably be to your cardiologist.
If you're struggling to stay erect, your first call should probably be to your cardiologist.
Studies give newfound cancer-fighting status to popular foods, including a loved pizza topping.
Reducing anxiety is critical in PTSD treatment, and there are countless ways to get started.
You can lessen the impact of hair loss with good habits and medical treatments.
Part of staying healthy and active as you age means taking control of your bone health.
If you're struggling with female sexual dysfunction, check on your cardiovascular health.
If you need to boost, lower or maintain your estrogen level, pay attention to these 10 foods.
IBD is actually a variety of digestive disorders that affect about 3 million people in the U.S.
The food you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection or play a role in causing one.
Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help keep your vagina healthy.
Positive diet, lifestyle and hygiene choices impact vaginal health and prevent chronic issues.
Women can keep these common items on hand for quick, safe and easy remedies.
Basic information and daily clues can help you understand and avoid herpes outbreaks.
Getting a good night's rest could be as simple as watching what you consume, and when.
While you manage arthritis, you can still have a comfortable, even robust, lifestyle.
From medical checkups to lifestyle choices, you balls will thank you for making an effort.
Excluding men and boys from our understanding of eating disorders poses pitfalls for treatment.
There's no stopping your changing body, but you don't have to lose all the aspects you love.
COVID-19 has put us all on edge. Can we ever get back to normal?
One in 78 women will get ovarian cancer. Know your risk factors, find it early and beat it.
Over 35 and pregnant? Here are tips and advice for moms-to-be.
There are a number of fallacies around soy and what it does, or doesn't do, to your body.
A healthy diet may help reverse negative effects that are causing sexual dysfunction.
Here's what you need to know about the advertisements you've seen for low-T solutions.
Almost all mammals, except humans, eat their placenta after birth. Should we?
A lower weight has all kinds of health benefits, adding greater gusto for living and loving.
More than 27,000 women under age 45 are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
Life with endometriosis can be improved by implementing strengthening and stretching exercises.
It might be easier than you think to find a fun, rewarding way to get your move on.
Understanding your ED means first knowing how diabetes and erections interact with each other.
Proper nutrition and exercise are top priorities, but three additional methods can help, too.
Your pregnancy journey should include exercise, but be careful of how much.
You can feel better...naturally. Here are some possible remedies for you to manage your pain.
This BPH surgery, which can produce long-lasting effects, is suitable for many patients.
A strong, healthy ticker is the foundation for strong, healthy sexual function.
The link may not be direct, but chronic stress can affect your menstrual cycle. Find out how.
Knowing how to optimize your fertility could help you and a partner conceive.
During pregnancy, intense specified hunger can go beyond just wishing for a cookie.
An estimated 100,000 people in the U.S. get this lifesaving procedure each year.
Your daily multivitamin may not be giving you all the essential nutrients that you need.
These tips require minimal effort and expense but could make all the difference for fertility.
If you’re wary of drugs or surgery, some foods and supplements may offer an alternative.
Ostomy surgery can save your life—but will change it, too. Learn how to stay sexually active.
Here’s how to keep your caffeine intake within safe limits without experiencing withdrawal.
The trick to shopping for intimate hygiene and pleasure products: Keep it simple.
While IBD is a serious condition, knowing the facts will help you best manage your disease.
While the prostate is key for procreation in younger men, it becomes a health concern as we age.
Wearing one won't increase your cancer risk, but keep in mind other health issues.
From berries to meat to fish, check out our menu of nutritious foods with healthy benefits.
Osteoporosis is avoidable, but if you have it, exercise isn't prohibited. Know the facts.
Frequent anxiety can wreak havoc on your sex life, unless you learn to overcome it.
What you think you know about PEVR, and the needs of your own ego, might be wrong.
Let's separate the facts from the fiction on this important health issue.
Feeling stressed? You're not alone. Know the facts, so you can live a better life.
Go for that cup of Joe. A study says your body just might thank you for it.
We bust some heart disease myths so you can make better choices about your heart health.
As is the case with most matters of the bedroom, popping the blue pill is all about the timing.
Early loss of bone mass to osteoporosis can be difficult to detect, but it is possible.
Forget that rare, juicy steak—a plant-based diet may help combat ED symptoms.
When it comes to colorectal cancer, separating fact from fiction could save your life.
You can navigate a healthy pregnancy even with eating disorders or body-image issues.
Blemishes and pimples can make menstrual periods even less fun. Try these simple solutions.
As long as your doctor is involved, there are many natural remedies for this common problem.
What do the success rates advertised by IVF clinics actually mean for prospective patients?
Here are 6 effective ways to cope with an issue that can make life difficult.
Whether you’re planning to have a family now or later, here’s what to know about healthy sperm.
Here are a few tips for success when you’re planning to have children.
It’s in everything from lotions to smoothies, but does CBD have a place in the bedroom, too?
Better sleep can unlock more productivity, greater overall health and an amazing sex life.
‘The way to a person’s heart is through their stomach.’ Can the stomach lead to arousal, too?
Some foods allegedly get you in the mood for sex. Did you know other foods can do the opposite?
Libido is affected by a number of variables. Is one of them that hot new diet you’re trying?
Libido is affected by a number of variables. Is one of them that hot new diet you’re trying?
You love your partner and want the best for them, but be wary of sending the wrong message.
Let’s blow up four big, fat lies about the sex lives of overweight people, once and for all.
Excess pounds can lead to low-T, high blood pressure, heart disease and ED. Time to lose weight!
Cardiovascular health is a key for maintaining a healthy sex life as you age.
Insulin issues accompany polycystic ovary syndrome. The right food can help you stay balanced.
Through support and healthy adjustments, you’ll be more equipped for postpartum depression.
Just a few small changes to your daily routine can make a big difference to your well-being.
Focus on foods that enhance your diet, sexual performance and overall health—at the same time!
Twenty percent of the population lives with chronic pain. What’s the path forward?
If you’re suffering from poor digestive health, sex can be the very last thing on your mind.
Watch for the warning signs of heart disease, and learn how you can prevent this deadly disease.
Asthma is annoying at best and fatal at worst. Don’t let it take the wind out of your sex life.
An oral contraceptive has side effects, but so does stopping it. Know what to expect.
Many women expect mood swings during their cycle, but understanding why helps you take control.
PMS is more than just a regular inconvenience for women who suffer serious symptoms every month.
Regular checkups can help expectant mothers identify symptoms and protect against preeclampsia.
There are critical steps to manage PPD, a serious condition that affects moms after childbirth.
About 15 percent of couples in the U.S. struggle with infertility issues. But they have options.
You’re following all the rules, and yet you’re not getting pregnant. Where do you go from here?
The bacterial infection prostatitis is common and highly treatable with lifestyle changes.
Don't delay! Preventive measures now can help you later.
Your semen quality could be an indicator of your overall health, for better or worse.
A healthy sperm count points to good overall health, so keep your count high with these tips.
Lifestyle changes and new treatments can help men get more nitric oxide and promote blood flow.
You may be able to reduce the risk of heart problems and improve ED-related symptoms.
Diabetes and ED share common underlying factors. Addressing the source is often the solution.
Solving the mysteries of erectile dysfunction can ease anxiety and prepare you for next steps.
There’s no surefire way to avoid prostate cancer, but preventive measures may lower the risk.
It’s possible to reduce your chances of prostate cancer with minor lifestyle changes.
Male infertility can have many causes, but a proactive approach can yield positive results.
One in 10 women has endometriosis. I was one. Here’s how I found someone to listen and help.