Megan Deak
Megan Deak

Meg is a journalist and freelance writer based in Ontario, Canada. She is passionate about women's health and writes about reproductive health, the environment, politics, and economics. You can get in touch on Linkedin.

These cranial nerves play a role in digestion, mood and heart rate—and your sexual health, too.
While it may be natural to shy away from certain situations, avoidance can be a serious problem.
No one wants creepy-crawlies on their genitalia. Be aware of the symptoms and treatments.
PMS symptoms, vaginal discharge and cervical placement can all help you predict menstruation.
Hormone changes can cause a variety of symptoms, but there are times you should see your doctor.
Restrictive diets can negatively impact your menstrual cycle—so how does IF stack up?
If you experience cramps in the days following menstruation, it may be an underlying condition.
Many of these kitchen gadgets come with a warning, so let's take a look at the concerns.
Feeling a certain way during that time of the month? You might be able to blame your cerebrum.
The cervical cap and diaphragm are vaginal options that might be worth considering.