Good Bras, Happy Breasts, Better Health

Women's health, particularly when it comes to breast cancer, is rife with old wives' tales. One of them says wearing the wrong kind of bra, or wearing one for too long, can increase your risk of breast cancer. Fortunately, the bra-specific research done so far doesn't support that belief.
But "doesn't give you cancer" may not be the selling point of the century. The very real benefits of wearing a bra include:
- Balancing bust weight. A well-fitted bra supports the breast muscle by spreading weight evenly and prevents straining the back and chest area.
- Minimizing breast movement. Depending on the nature of your activity, breast movement can be a cause of embarrassment and discourage you from doing what you love. It also can put a strain on the supportive ligaments in your breast. A correctly fitted bra will control movement and allow you to live a more comfortable life.
- Boosting confidence. A classy, comfortable bra has the ability to complement your outfit and boost your confidence. For women who are used to wearing a bra, the garment can feel protective and provide a sense of security.
The downsides of bras
Not every person with breasts feels the need to keep them in a bra. From bra-burning feminists to people who just find bras uncomfortable, everyone may have different reasons to opt out. Some of those reasons include:
- Backache and muscle discomfort. A badly fitting bra is a sure way to add strain to your back and ruin your posture. Discomfort is by far the most common complaint women express about bras.
- Shoulder damage. Long-term bra wear can create something cosmetic surgeons have termed "bra strap defect," where the weight of the breasts pulling on the bra straps creates a permanent groove in the soft tissue of the shoulder.
- Failures or breaks. Like any garment, bras are subject to flaws. Straps can tear, hooks can pop off, the lining can come or an underwire can slide out of place. For some women, wearing a bra adds a level of wardrobe-malfunction risk that they'd just as soon avoid.
Take charge of your breast health
From the type of bra you wear to your daily routine, you can take control and make a few changes to promote healthy breasts. Check out our five simple suggestions:
1. Find a perfect fit
Breast size can fluctuate depending on factors such as weight change, exercise, menopause and birth control method. A perfectly fitting bra may remain useful only for a particular period of time, though, so regular bra fitting will ensure you stay comfortable and free from bra-related back pain. If you have a problem finding the correct size, visit a lingerie shop and consult with a professional fitter.
2. Choose comfort over fashion
It's never a good idea to choose an uncomfortable or ill-fitting bra simply because you like the way it looks. If you know you're going to be wearing a bra for a long period of time, prioritize comfort and fit over everything. Save sexy features and fabrics for times you won't be wearing your bra for long.
3. Go for a breast massage
Many women don't know that their breasts can benefit from a massage session. Apart from relieving sore muscles, massage benefits your lymphatic system, improves circulation and helps you relax.
4. Eat healthily
A balanced diet will deliver important nutrients to all parts of the body, including breast tissue.
5. Aim for a healthy weight
Obesity in women causes many health problems, including back pain. Key ways to manage your weight include regular exercise and a balanced diet that avoids processed foods high in saturated or trans fats.
Whether you choose to ditch your bra or not, your breast health is paramount. Talk to your doctor about considerations in your daily habits and practices that may be impacting your current comfort and future health risks.