7 Foods That Can Ruin Your Sex Drive

Diet plays an important role in your sexual and hormonal health. While strawberries, oysters, carrots and many more foods can act like love potions, other foods can wreck your hormone balance as well as your sex drive.
Check out seven foods to avoid if you want to keep your sex life healthy and active.
1. Cheese
Cheese is great when paired with wine and can be fun to eat in a romantic setting. However, dairy products of any kind can upset your stomach and cause cramping and gas, especially if you’re lactose-intolerant.
2. Mint
Chewing mint can freshen your breath and help you feel more relaxed before a sexual encounter. Mint is also great for digestion, brain function and treating the common cold. This herb, however, contains an organic compound called menthol that can reduce testosterone levels and interfere with your sex drive.
3. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are loaded with nutrients that support good overall health. These vegetables are also extremely high in fiber, which can lead to bloating and gas shortly after they are consumed. Additionally, cruciferous veggies can result in unpleasant smells and tastes that affect your breath, sweat and semen.
4. Microwavable popcorn
Popcorn is a fun snack while watching a movie with your sexual partner, but the lining in microwavable popcorn bags often contains harmful chemicals that can destroy your sex drive. For instance, perfluorooctanoic acid is a chemical used to help microwavable popcorn bags resist heat, oil and grease, but research studies have linked it to reproductive problems in men and laboratory animals. If you plan to have a movie night with your partner, stick to eating homemade, non-microwavable popcorn.
5. Canned food
Most canned food contains a significant amount of sodium, which contributes to bloating, high blood pressure and reduced blood flow to the genitals. Sodium is a preservative usually added to canned food such as soup, beans and vegetables to prevent them from spoiling. When possible, avoid all canned food. Stick to cooking fresh vegetables, dry beans and large batches of soup you can freeze for later use.
6. Processed meat
Most processed meat and deli meat, including ham, turkey, roast beef, hot dogs, bacon and sausage, contain high amounts of harmful ingredients that can not only ruin your sex drive but also increase the risk for cancer and other serious diseases. Steer clear of processed meat loaded with antibiotics, hormones, nitrites, and other preservatives and chemicals, because all of these can upset your hormonal balance and cause long-term problems with your libido.
7. Alcohol
In the beverage category, alcohol lowers your inhibitions and may make you feel more daring, confident and sexy. However, it’s also a depressant that can make it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. In women, too much alcohol can cause vaginal dryness, and delay or prevent orgasm. If you plan on drinking before having sex, limit your intake and avoid beer, which can make you feel bloated and gassy.
The bottom line
If you are experiencing problems with libido or fertility, talk to your doctor or nutritionist about changes you can make to your diet that may improve your symptoms and rebalance your hormones. The right foods can boost your energy, improve your blood flow, and make you feel younger and rejuvenated for a healthier, more thrilling sex life.