Trish Giramma

Trish Giramma is a health and wellness writer and book editor with more than 20 years of experience in healthcare marketing and communications. When she's not writing or editing, she is posting her "Study of dog…" series on Instagram and volunteering in dog rescue.

In the first of this four-part series, learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of MS.
One in five Americans are caregivers. Learn how to overcome the accompanying anxiety and stress.
It's vital to educate older adults to ensure they're aware of sexually transmitted infections.
Recovery includes drugs, diet, exercise—but sex may be the best medication. And a lot more fun.
Getting itchy 'downtown' may be a problem you can solve at home.
Whether from the ravages of time or a medical condition, bald spots don't have to last forever.
Our scalps and locks take a beating every day, but there are ways to keep them healthy.
You can tell a lot by looking at someone's fingernails—the good, the bad and the ugly.
No matter how a product is advertised, check the ingredient and nutrition labels first.
When you're trying to eliminate intimate odor, you may need to eliminate the suds.