Lola Méndez
Lola Méndez

Lola Méndez is an Uruguayan-American freelance journalist. She writes about sustainability, travel, culture, and wellness for many print and digital publications such as CNN, USA Today, InStyle, Refinery29, in addition to her responsible travel blog, You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @LolaAnnaMendez.

Traditionally marketed to women, period products should use inclusive language. Here's why.
This form of birth control can be used by all genders and can be up to 95 percent effective.
Sharing information about this common condition leads to earlier diagnosis and better treatment.
Despite recent legislation and judicial rulings, supportive resources are available.
If you want to decrease your landfill contribution, plenty of green period items are available.
Key nutrients such as magnesium and calcium might make your PMS symptoms more bearable.
Forgoing a hospital setting is fine for many women, but having a plan in place is vital.
To avoid menstruation, skip the placebo pills and go straight to the next pack.
One woman's experience with auricular acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine.
Symptoms of uterine fibroids are often dismissed as period pain.