The Secrets to a Butt That Just Won't Quit

Like any enduring relationship based on horniness, the United States' long-standing relationship with butts has had its ups and downs.
Charles Gibson's illustrations of his hourglass "Gibson Girls" at the end of the 19th century thrust a full-figured woman (whatever that means) with a substantial booty into the spotlight, only to eventually be replaced by the rail-thin "flapper" a couple of decades later. Fast-forward to the 2010s and now 2020s, and the United States now rides a crested wave of ass appreciation thanks to women such as Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian.
The nation's lust for all things butts is only growing. Riding shotgun along with this trend is the Brazilian butt lift, which was performed almost 22,000 times in 2020 alone, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
However, if you don't want to shell out up to $14,500 for the cost of the procedure, taking your bottom into your own hands with exercise and healthy eating is an easy way to give yourself a butt that won't quit.
Work the whole body
Journey Kan, a personal trainer in Santa Monica, California, who's certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, was recently told by her partner that she has a "phat ass that won't quit." She said the compliment made her feel really good inside—especially because her job has her spending mornings screaming at scores of huffing people trying to sweat their rear ends off.
"When it comes to your butt, the thing a lot of people forget is that all the other parts matter," Kan said. "It's all about being strategic with your movements and catering it for you. If you want a butt that's high and tight, you've got to go in and up. That means working out your hamstring along with your glutes while strengthening your inner thighs to naturally raise and tighten the glutes."
The ideal bottom
Kan's ideal bottom is perky and powerful, like the butt of a sprinter friend of hers whose derriere often commands the attention of passersby. But everyone has their own opinion. In an attempt to define the perfect behind, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons released a study in 2017 based on an online survey allowing participants from around the world to interactively change the size and waist-to-hip ratio of a single model's buttocks to calculate preferences. The results? Surprisingly inconclusive.
"There seems to exist a global consensus regarding the ideal waist-to-hip ratio; however, multiple other factors impact the aesthetic perception of the buttocks significantly," study authors wrote.
If you were to try to answer the same question using not the scientific method but a visual roundup of a dozen or so Hollywood A-listers known for their butts, it could be surmised that America loves a small waist with a wider bottom. Unlike the (pardon the dated term) "heroin chic" supermodel phase of the 1990s, when women were essentially starved to fit beauty standards, the big booty trend of the 2010s relies on people consuming fats to reach the top of Badonkadonk Mountain.
This means shifting your focus to foods loaded with protein, carbs, healthy fats and antioxidants: think eggs, pasta, avocados and brown rice. Christina Towle, a certified clinical nutritionist based in New Jersey, knows diet and exercise go hand in hand in the journey for a beautiful butt.
"Balancing carbs and protein helps to build and cushion the behind," Towle said. "I tend to reach for easy meals post-workout like pasta—my favorite is an artisanal gluten-free pasta from Charlie's Table—or an easy shake."
Eye of the butt beholder
Lexi Love, aka the Space Cat, is a former adult performer whose objectively perfect posterior has earned her years of acclaim within the industry and globally. At age 41, Love has spent most of her adult life taking care of her illustrious backside.
"I have a big butt for a small person," Love said. "So that means my jeans never fit, but it also means I look great in leggings."
Love follows an exercise regimen which includes biking, squats, glute kickbacks and sidekicks, along with a healthy dose of walking. She regularly incorporates high-fat veggies, such as avocados and black beans, and full-fat oat and hemp milk into her diet.
"I like when people say nice things about my butt, even the occasional 'Nice butt' from a stranger, as long as it's not creepy," Love said. "Also, it's good for sitting on; the extra firmness and cushion goes a long way for the sitting."
Kan and Love agree that the perfect ass—the one that won't quit—is very much in the eye of the beholder. Everyone's preference is totally subjective.
"My perfect butt has to have a little firmness to the juggle, but it's all subjective, of course," Love said. "If you are happy with your butt, it's a nice butt. And that's all that matters."