PID is often asymptomatic, so it’s helpful to know what can cause this painful womb infection.
Here's why having penetrative or oral sex after a boric acid suppository is a bad idea.
Here's why having penetrative or oral sex after a boric acid suppository is a bad idea.
Here's why having penetrative or oral sex after a boric acid suppository is a bad idea.
Bacteria are the most common cause of urinary tract infections. Can they come from sperm?
New tech could help make Kegel exercises more practical and effective.
By Annabel Lee
New tech could help make Kegel exercises more practical and effective.
By Annabel Lee
Vaginal tightness could be a warning sign of hypertonic pelvic floor.
Bacterial imbalance in the vagina may transmit to male partners and cause reinfection in women.
Bacterial imbalance in the vagina may transmit to male partners and cause reinfection in women.
Mostly harmless, queefing is an expected part of sex, but in some cases, it may be more serious.
Feeling a lump in your vagina? Here's what to do next.
By Reniel Anca
Pierced female genitals are all the rage. Read our guide to determine the best fit for you.
By Bianca King
PID needs to be treated with antibiotics and follow-up care or it could lead to infertility.
By Xenia E.
Some at-home treatments are ineffective and may worsen your itchy, scratchy symptoms.
By Tabby Kibugi
Some at-home treatments are ineffective and may worsen your itchy, scratchy symptoms.
By Tabby Kibugi
Trying to lighten your lady bits isn't a good idea—and could create problems.
By Tabby Kibugi
From pain to trouble orgasming, these 9 conditions can affect your clitoris.
By Kate Daniel
From pain to trouble orgasming, these 9 conditions can affect your clitoris.
By Kate Daniel
Painful sex or problems using a tampon? It could be involuntarily contracting vaginal muscles.
Creams, oral therapies and injections help manage the common condition.
There's no quick fix to relieve involuntary vaginal tightening, but a cure is possible.
Females with the disease report vaginal dryness, low desire, painful sex and more symptoms.
By David Hopper
Here is what you need to know if you're feeling uncomfortable and inflamed 'down there.'
When the vaginal microbiome gets unbalanced, common medical approaches can clear it up.
When the vaginal microbiome gets unbalanced, common medical approaches can clear it up.
Being there during this difficult time may mean more than you know.
By Alex Denny
With problems as varied as the parts that make up its anatomy, the vulva needs some attention.
With problems as varied as the parts that make up its anatomy, the vulva needs some attention.
Hormonal changes are the main reason BV is prevalent in menopausal women.
Hormonal changes are the main reason BV is prevalent in menopausal women.
The United States ranks No. 1 in spending, but not in overall quality of healthcare.
By Lauren Dodd
The United States ranks No. 1 in spending, but not in overall quality of healthcare.
By Lauren Dodd
The appearance of vaginal fluids varies. Learn what the differences can mean for your health.
The appearance of vaginal fluids varies. Learn what the differences can mean for your health.
Finding the cause of painful sex can be tricky, but there are a few courses of action for women.
People are celebrating vulvas of all shapes, colors and sizes as labiaplasty cases skyrocket.
By Clara Wang
Support goes a long way when your significant other suffers from painful intercourse.
By Alex Denny
Discussing vulvas has become a little less taboo, but patients must advocate for themselves.
Discussing vulvas has become a little less taboo, but patients must advocate for themselves.
Even little known conditions can pack big punches, so keep an eye on your vulva.
Physical health, mental health, libido and fertility are all key aspects of a healthy sex life.
By Helen Massy
Physical health, mental health, libido and fertility are all key aspects of a healthy sex life.
By Helen Massy
Even the rarest or least known autoimmune skin conditions can be managed effectively.
This disease impacts the external female genitalia and can result in a variety of symptoms.
By Alice Porter
Protecting the health of this organ is crucial, but it might not be where you think it is.
Find out the signs and symptoms of this infection, and how it's diagnosed and prevented.
By Xenia E.
Here's everything you need to know about the condition, including when to refrain from intimacy.
By Coralle Skye
Here are the basics of the primary female reproductive organs.
By Mira Miller
This essential part of the reproductive process is a delicate dance of hormones.
By Mira Miller
The usually harmless condition can cause problems if infected.
While the practice is quite common, your vagina doesn't need it. Here's why.
By Helen Massy
While the practice is quite common, your vagina doesn't need it. Here's why.
By Helen Massy
The vaginal health supplements are a 'grift' and 'anti-feminist,' OB-GYNs say on social media.
While a short vaginal canal is normal for some women, it can also be caused by other factors.
By Tabby Kibugi
While a short vaginal canal is normal for some women, it can also be caused by other factors.
By Tabby Kibugi
This cause of pain during sex can be dealt with, but you might need to reframe intimacy.
This cause of pain during sex can be dealt with, but you might need to reframe intimacy.
Pelvic floor exercises can help with urinary incontinence and blood flow to the genitals.
By Gabi Conti
Discharge, burning and a bad odor sound bothersome, but this condition is usually resolvable.
By Coralle Skye
Don't overlook bumps and itching in the genital area. They could be signs of something serious.
By Jenna Clark
Here's what you need to know about a residual and inconsequential bit of tissue.
By Gabi Conti
The critical reproductive organs can experience a host of issues that may lead to infertility.
By Xenia E.
The condition is extremely common. Here's what you need to know about symptoms and treatment.
'Squeezing iron' can benefit your pelvic floor, but consult a professional before trying it out.
By Reniel Anca
Here's what you need to know about the vaginal condition's causes, symptoms and management.
If it's not the hymen or the period, then WTF is it?!
By Gabi Conti
Here's a guide to what you need to know. The first priority is screening.
It's time to debunk some myths about a piece of tissue with no biological purpose.
By Gabi Conti
Although men are more prone to developing the disease, women tend to have worse outcomes.
Scientists design the most realistic model of the organ yet—it might lead to new BV treatments.
Here's what that thick line on an ultrasound means. (Don't worry, it's supposed to be there.)
By Sarah Harris
EDS can bring chronic pain as well as gynecological issues, which could make sex difficult.
By Rachel Crowe
France provides a journey of physical therapy for my pelvic floor.
By Cyrena Lee
This little-known condition threatens your vaginal pleasure.
This little-known condition threatens your vaginal pleasure.
The answer is probably exactly what you think a vaginal taste should be.
The answer is probably exactly what you think a vaginal taste should be.
Prepare yourself for all the twists and turns you may face in your sex life.
The first-ever count discovers more than 10,000 nerve fibers in the erogenous organ.
The first-ever count discovers more than 10,000 nerve fibers in the erogenous organ.
If you live in Beyonce's world, you've probably heard the term for fat upper pubic area.
By Alex Denny
Whether the foods you eat taste good or bad, they won't make your vaginal smell different.
The birth control pill can make sex safer, but it has its downsides. Here are some tips.
From being hung upside down to applying cocaine, the cures have been weird and ineffective.
Pelvic organ prolapse is a common complaint, but you may have to self-advocate for relief.
By Rachel Crowe
Feeling nauseous and experiencing cramping? This penetration pitfall could be the issue.
We asked doctors to explain which vaginal odors are normal—and which are not.
Influencers dispensing unverified medical advice on social media can cause real harm.
By Xenia E.
A yellow tampon is likely not cause for concern, but check for these other symptoms to be sure.
Ovarian cyst? UTI? Experts break down the reasons why it might burn when you urinate.
By Kitti Palmai
Recurring infections can lead to complications with these organs near the vaginal opening.
By Lisa Tadiwa
The yoni herbal suppository has no proven benefits and comes with potential side effects.
By Xenia E.
Here's what you need to know about the side effects of testosterone therapy on your vagina.
We explain the elusive tissue that means so much to society.
Got an outie vag? Learn what's normal and what's not when it comes to your vaginal anatomy.
While not always serious, this repeating labial cyst has impacted one woman's sexual confidence.
By Lisa Tadiwa
The physical stress of going through labor can cause changes throughout your body.
What the experts have to say about the impact of a yeast infection on your sex life.
By Kitti Palmai
The social and cultural trends of wearing very tight clothes could be damaging your body.
Experts weigh in on what you need to know to battle a swollen vagina.
By Coralle Skye
The FDA mandated new research on this controversial treatment after banning it in 2019.
By Helen Massy
Wearing vaginal fluid as perfume isn't new but it's having a resurgence, thanks to influencers.
By Coralle Skye
Irritation, hemorrhoids, discharge and UTIs can be unwanted results from wearing a thong.
Sexual dysfunction caused by clitoral phimosis is more common than you may think.
In this exclusive Q&A, Kate White, M.D., discusses her latest book about embracing your body.
In rare cases, PVD may be a side effect of the birth control pill.
By Kate Daniel
Take care of your mental health or you may see the ramifications in your vagina.
By Kate Daniel
There's a lot of talk about vaginal pH and how to maintain it. Let's clear the air, shall we?
Ingredients include propylene glycol, citric acid, xanthan gum and more. What could go wrong?
By Kay Johnson
Vaginal dryness can affect quality of life, but vitamin supplements may help with lubrication.
If penetration is painful, here's how you can make the experience less daunting.
By Sarah Wood
Revelations about intimate products are all over social media, but are the items necessary?
By Xenia E.
Douching, whether periodically or every day, is generally not recommended by experts.
By Ally Sweeten
A mild scent is normal, but if you notice any changes, it's time to see a doctor.
By Coralle Skye
A mild scent is normal, but if you notice any changes, it's time to see a doctor.
By Coralle Skye
Two women describe their experience with the rare complication sometimes related to tampons.
Two women describe their experience with the rare complication sometimes related to tampons.
Sjögren's syndrome can lead to decreased moisture and impaired health in women.
But Vivjoa comes with a few catches, including who can use it safely.
A lack of liquid can have serious side effects on your sexual health.
D-mannose could be worth adding to your regimen to ward off infections.
People prone to yeast infections may be tempted to turn to probiotics, but here's what to know.
By Coralle Skye
My vagina had a 'Do not enter' sign. Coming out eased the pain, physically and emotionally.
By Amanda Smith
Learn all about the 'female prostate', aka the Skene's glands.
By Rachel Crowe
Learn all about the 'female prostate', aka the Skene's glands.
By Rachel Crowe
No, but vulvar discomfort, the correct terminology, is very real.
You might want to still get your doctor's professional opinion.
By Casey Clark
Electrical impulses can build muscle strength after surgery and childbirth, or as you age.
By Sarah Harris
It's possible to rebuild your libido while living with this vaginal muscle condition.
By Ella Glover
It's possible to rebuild your libido while living with this vaginal muscle condition.
By Ella Glover
The test is probably unnecessary, except in a few cases, but don't forget pelvic exams.
This unpleasant condition is common, but the addition of blood may indicate a further problem.
Nobody deserves to be disrespected by a medical provider. Some doctors need further education.
By Casey Clark
More research is needed, however, before doctors start prescribing the live bacteria.
By Kay Johnson
Virginity is a social construct we should probably have in our rear-view mirror by now.
By Mira Miller
You should be aware of these 8 ingredients before a 'glove' goes on or in your body.
By Kay Johnson
Maintaining your vaginal microbiome is important for your whole body.
If a Pap test reveals abnormal cells, you may undergo a loop electrosurgical excision procedure.
It's not just a childbirth issue—menopause also causes problems—but prevention is possible.
Having a bun in the oven brings on a bunch of bodily developments.
By Helen Massy
Xaciato, an antibiotic gel applied vaginally, offers an alternative to traditional methods.
Lichen sclerosus sticks around long term, so have a plan to manage the symptoms.
Women are ditching toxins in favor of safer period care.
By Kay Johnson
Women are ditching toxins in favor of safer period care.
By Kay Johnson
If you're experiencing unpleasant vulval sensations, vulvitis may be the cause.
By Izzie Price
The menopausal transition doesn't have to be the end of your arousal, desire or pleasure.
While rare, uterine didelphys (a double uterus) can cause a range of complications.
Understanding the differences between these conditions can help you determine the best treatment
Some experts recommend yearly pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) for preventive care.
Beware of marketing ploys and pay attention to the ingredients before using these risky items.
Gynecological pain may feel like the end of your sex life—but it doesn't have to be.
The bloody truth about refereeing your menstrual cycle.
By Casey Clark
The World Health Organization estimates up to 10,000 women develop this condition every year.
What life is like for women with underdeveloped wombs and vaginas.
By Meg Walters
The social media giant's advertising policies are under scrutiny from human rights experts.
By Xenia E.
You don't have to proceed with anything that feels uncomfortable.
Words matter, often more than we even realize. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.
By Mira Miller
Educate yourself about what happens when your copper IUD causes BV symptoms.
A doctor weighs in on this sperm-blasting, dissolvable vaginal birth control method.
This condition can lead to PID and infertility, so early intervention is crucial.
By Coralle Skye
Proceed with caution when putting nonregulated objects in your vagina.
By Coralle Skye
This rare chronic pain disorder affects the nerve pathways in the pelvis.
By Megan Deak
Genital residue is often associated with penises, but vaginal smegma is just as common.
By Rachel Crowe
While people claim the trend of putting ice in your vagina has benefits, experts disagree.
When you just can't shake yeast overgrowth, your mood may be next to go.
Pain during female arousal is a thing. Here's what can help.
How wet a woman gets during sex depends on a number of factors.
How wet a woman gets during sex depends on a number of factors.
Despite the rumors, your downstairs doesn't change with the seasons.
How you choose to style your pubes may impact more than aesthetics.
By Kate Daniel
How you choose to style your pubes may impact more than aesthetics.
By Kate Daniel
How you choose to style your pubes may impact more than aesthetics.
By Kate Daniel
If you develop GVHD after a bone marrow transplant, vaginal issues are common.
While it's not something to add to your worry list, you should be aware of the symptoms.
Certain products can irritate your lady parts, so it's good to know what you're buying.
Certain products can irritate your lady parts, so it's good to know what you're buying.
Understanding your vagina is important but experts say you won't find answers with this product.
Surgical options, Botox shots and laser treatments are transforming vaginal care.
Not feeling right? You might not be getting enough water, even if you have your daily 64 ounces.
Not looking to get pregnant anytime soon? The pill could treat this uncomfortable condition.
By Megan Deak
Most of it is not visible—and it's way bigger than you might think.
By Rachel Crowe
It's time for us to banish the shame around periods.
By Coralle Skye
It's time for us to banish the shame around periods.
By Coralle Skye
Supplies delivered to your door can help make your cycle as stress-free as possible.
By Coralle Skye
There are some things to keep in mind if you're going to switch to using coconut oil vaginally.
Until more research is done, the FDA and physicians advise caution with this delivery method.
Research is uncovering just how important 'good' bacteria can be for your health.
Stitching a person too tight after tears from childbirth can happen on purpose or by accident.
By Rae Nudson
Chronic yeast infections and their discharge could be a condition called lichen sclerosus.
This common condition can't be prevented, but it can be easily treated at home or by a doctor.
The sexually transmitted disease's long-term health impacts can cause permanent complications.
By Holly Ellis
If vaginal discharge stained your favorite panties, don't worry. It's totally normal.
By Coralle Skye
The actress aims to eliminate the shame around pregnancy complications.
By Giddy Staff
While DIV is often confused with other vaginal conditions, treatment is possible.
While rare, this condition can have a devastating impact—but treatment is available.
By Megan Deak
Experts explain why these sea creatures shouldn't be anywhere near your vagina.
You may not want to block out your calendar just yet.
By Kate Daniel
If you think you know what to expect with your next bun in the oven, think again.
Urinary tract infections can lead to a life-threatening condition. Here are the warning signs.
The elasticity of your vag is not loose because you’ve had a mountain of lovers. Fake news!
By Kate Daniel
The elasticity of your vag is not loose because you’ve had a mountain of lovers. Fake news!
By Kate Daniel
People are using gels for a boost in clit size to experience stronger orgasms.
This viral suggestion about ivermectin can cause yeast infections and other issues.
By Helen Massy
Working with your doctor can help prevent future complications.
By Holly Ellis
There's a difference between arousal and normal vaginal fluids.
Certain activities aren't safe when carrying a child. Here's how to adapt.
A hard-to-penetrate vagina may not mean what you think it does.
A hard-to-penetrate vagina may not mean what you think it does.
When you're trying to eliminate intimate odor, you may need to eliminate the suds.
Despite lots of anecdotal evidence, experts disagree about what’s really happening.
Some things even you—an expert in the field—may not know about one of your favorite activities.
Got questions about this itchy and uncomfortable skin disease?
Claims of health benefits abound, but let's dive into the realities of this holistic practice.
By Megan Deak
The often criticized diet has some disturbing side effects for women.
A positive pregnancy test for non-fertile women is rare but could signal a serious condition.
By Rachel Crowe
Whether you're thinking about going on or off the pill, it's important to know what to expect.
The two conditions seem unrelated, but evidence suggests they might be intertwined.
No one wants to contract an STD, but what if you get diagnosed with two of them? Ouch!
FDA-approved in June 2021, this new drug is great news for people prone to yeast infections.
Six weeks after delivery is likely not enough time to heal.
By Rae Nudson
Experts weigh in on this unregulated hormone treatment option.
The once-routine procedures used to be standard practice in childbirth.
It's easy to confuse the two, but doctors want you to know there's a big difference.
Beware of sweaty spandex and all the other ways the season can wreak havoc on your nether parts.
Beware of sweaty spandex and all the other ways the season can wreak havoc on your nether parts.
Yoni eggs have surged in popularity, but they're a yo-no from doctors.
A doula serves as your advocate and guide during one of your most life-changing experiences.
Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a C-section, your sex life may be impacted.
An OB-GYN weighs in on the connection between birth control pills and your gallbladder.
This congenital condition can be scary, but a simple surgery is often the answer.
Preventing inflammation is key to keeping you safe from further complications.
By Jessy Humann
You have no problem with giving, so what's stopping you from receiving?
A few lifestyle changes can stave off the condition.
Three women share their harrowing journey to an endometriosis diagnosis.
This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.
This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.
This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.
If you’re among the 16 percent of women with vulvar pain, here’s what you need to know.
The condition can impact your sex life, but it doesn’t have to destroy your relationship.
By Holly Ellis
Let's review where to find your cervix and what it can tell you about your reproductive system.
By Megan Deak
This painful condition can be debilitating, but getting back to your life is possible.
By Holly Ellis
An imperforate hymen can affect your reproductive health, but the fix can be straightforward.
This common condition can affect fertility, but help is available.
By Lynne Black
Anemia can be a serious side effect of heavy periods, but treatment options are available.
Learn how simple lifestyle changes can help prevent this uncomfortable condition.
You can overcome the painful side effects and return to the sex life you want.
By Holly Ellis
Learn about the types of vaginal cancer, and the risk factors and symptoms to watch out for.
By Jessy Humann
The often unexplored territory between your clitoris and vagina deserves your attention.
It's a fast solution for unwanted smells. Here's how it works and why you should avoid overuse.
Most women who've read the back of a tampon box have heard of TSS—but how can it affect you?
Postpartum pelvic floor issues are common, but it is possible to regain control of your body.
These innovative products offer super protection—plus save money, stress and the planet.
It’s like a monthly report card, telling you so much about your health.
Monthly periods can be a hassle, but changes in your cycle could signal a health issue.
It's important to know the facts, as it affects millions of women in the U.S.
By Chuck Green
Diet, supplements, special baths and de-stressing are just a few of the treatments available.
By Chuck Green
Changes in your menstrual cycle may be worth a discussion with your doctor.
Entering the wiser years? You get to define your sexual life as you grow older.
By Gillian Hill
Can changing your diet help you prevent or alleviate a urinary tract infection?
Sometimes periods aren't as timely as they should be. What's to blame?
By Ally Sweeten
There are some surprisingly simple and holistic remedies to improve vaginal health.
These two bodily stages have overlapping symptoms, making it hard to determine their origins.
By Ally Sweeten
While the cause of this chronic vulva pain is unknown, treatment is possible.
By Chuck Green
Battling the pain of endometriosis can be exhausting, and sometimes you need a break.
It's time to face facts: Douching is bad for you—and your vagina.
Hormonal contraceptives are linked to candidiasis, but other factors can cause them, too.
So, like, what happens when you get stuck inside a vagina?
How can drinking more water help you sexually?
It’s about to get real—let’s talk about vaginal discharge.
Maintaining a healthy reproductive system is challenging but necessary for overall wellness.
Understanding the truth about your vaginal health is essential to preventing serious illness.
By Holly Ellis
Vaginal dryness can have numerous causes, but your birth control might be the culprit.
Vaginal dryness can have numerous causes, but your birth control might be the culprit.
Social media videos swear by these vaginal moisturizing aids, but take caution.
By Haley Gray
I've learned some lessons after two decades of hormonal birth control.
By Thea Engst
Creating a mutual support network is the first step.
A new attitude about periods has led to innovative products meant to help women deal with them.
By Alexis Schad
Remedies in conjunction with antibiotics may help you bounce back faster.
By Holly Ellis
It may be time to spruce up areas you've been neglecting during the pandemic—just not this one.
By Emily Blaire
A brand-new, easy form of contraception has hit the market, but be sure to read the fine print.
Prevent and treat some of the unpleasant symptoms of maturing.
While not strictly necessary, certain probiotic strains can help with persistent health issues.
They may start as a minor fungal overgrowth, but yeast infections should not go untreated.
Here’s what you need to know about vaginismus, which can cause sex to be painful or impossible.
Here's how you can get yeast infections after oral sex.
By Thea Engst
Understanding the causes of uterine prolapse can help you avoid this common condition.
Surprise: Your regular STI screening doesn't include one. Here's why it's best to be proactive.
From haircare to hair removal, we get into the truth about daily routines.
Trichomoniasis causes premature labor and low birth rates, but treatment is effective.
By Holly Ellis
Slow strides are being made toward a more open understanding of women's sexual dysfunction.
By Jason Crosby
From dryness to pain, sometimes the body knows what the heart wants.
These surgeries are just some of the choices to consider after a diagnosis.
For women surviving cervical cancer, pregnancy can still be an option, depending on treatment.
Try these tips to help prevent outbreaks and learn which foods to avoid.
By Ebony Purks
PMS is the most commonly known, but there are more menstrual conditions to be aware of.
Your body and mind go through a lot during 'the fourth trimester.' Pay attention to them.
The answer may surprise—and free—you. Here are the do's and don'ts of not wearing underwear.
Sex toys boost pleasure, but they can also cause infection. Here's how to be safe.
By Holly Ellis
An abnormal Pap smear can require further testing via a colposcopy. Here's how you can be ready.
Two experts weigh in on all your noisy vag concerns.
Support your partner during menopause in a way that fosters a healthy dynamic for both of you.
We have all heard the myths, but what do we actually know about female ejaculation?
It’s OK to drink during your period, but know the chemical changes your body may experience.
By Sarah Morris
It’s OK to drink during your period, but know the chemical changes your body may experience.
By Sarah Morris
Cycling is great for maintaining an active life—but daily rides may impact your sex life.
If you have urination difficulties, identify the root cause so you can receive appropriate care.
By Eric Schad
If you're exposed to the herpes simplex virus, act quickly to stop the spread.
By Erin Coleman
The food you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection or play a role in causing one.
Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help keep your vagina healthy.
Understanding vaginal conditions can help with diagnosis, treatment and avoiding complications.
By Holly Ellis
Positive diet, lifestyle and hygiene choices impact vaginal health and prevent chronic issues.
By Holly Ellis
Itching down below? Here's a list of possible causes along with helpful treatments.
Scientific advances in conception continue to offer fresh hope for men facing infertility.
By Jason Crosby
Aligning your exercise routine with your hormones can maximize health and wellness.
Misleading but common ideas around vaginal health may lead to harmful decisions.
By Holly Ellis
Optimal underwear can lead to a healthier vagina in terms of sex life and fertility.
By Sarah Morris
Women should know how to approach follow-up tests when their Pap smear comes back abnormal.
By Anna Herod
Know how to spot chlamydia, the most commonly reported STD among U.S. adults.
By Erin Coleman
Two patients explain their reasons for going under the knife.
Though less common today than it was in the 1980s and '90s, toxic shock syndrome is not gone.
By Sarah Morris
Pay close attention to factors and symptoms, because PID can get dangerous if left untreated.
Searching for a solution to painful sex, I tried vagina botox.
By Rosie
Feminine hygiene products are all the rage—but how much do we really know about them?
By Anna Herod
If you're worried about what you look like down there, stop stressing.
If you're worried about what you look like down there, stop stressing.
Let's break down this mythical erogenous zone and find out if the fantasy can come true.
Sexually active? Keep your pH balanced and your vagina healthy with these tips.
As these procedures for women have grown in popularity, so has the surge of bad info.
By Anna Herod
The trick to shopping for intimate hygiene and pleasure products: Keep it simple.
Women shouldn't let myths about menstrual products leave them confused and misinformed.
By Sarah Morris
Vaginal dryness doesn't have to spell the end of your sex life.
When it comes to birth control, choose the type that's best suited to your lifestyle.
Users claim these non-medical suppositories change a woman's smell and taste.
By Ashley Mateo
We’re all highly susceptible to these common infections, so be prepared with the facts.
This ‘warm’ and ‘euphoric’ erogenous zone may be your new favorite thing.
By Kate Sloan
Trichomoniasis can be symptomless, which makes awareness and routine screenings paramount.
By Erin Coleman
Need help choosing the right lube? We’re here to help.
By Holly Ellis
Blemishes and pimples can make menstrual periods even less fun. Try these simple solutions.
By Sarah Morris
Typically a cosmetic treatment, Botox is also used to treat some sexual health conditions.
Learn key information on changing the appearance of your downstairs bits.
Women may seek cosmetic surgery to improve their quality of life or for cosmetic concerns.
If a toy goes into your body, make sure it comes out.
Our men's vagina guide covers the ins and outs of lady parts.
Vaginal discharge cleans and protects the cervix, and can also alert women to potential issues.
By Holly Ellis
Though common, candidiasis is a condition to take seriously.
A sex toy can be a lot of fun, but seriously now, it requires proper use and cleaning.
By Holly Ellis
Keeping everything clean and fresh down there is actually pretty simple.
Diet and lifestyle changes can result in a healthy vagina and improved well-being.
By Holly Ellis
Spotting is definitely annoying and inconvenient, but is it cause for concern?
By Sarah Morris
Don’t put your sex life on hold during your period.
By Sarah Morris
Menstrual cups aren’t new, but they have seen a recent spike in popularity. Find out why.
Increase vaginal health with fewer products and more nurture.
By Holly Ellis