A new drug could help men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer live longer.
A new drug could help men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer live longer.
A new drug could help men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer live longer.
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Research findings could lead to a more personalized alternative treatment for prostate cancer.
There's lots of information about prostate cancer. Don't believe everything you read.
There's lots of information about prostate cancer. Don't believe everything you read.
Some studies link ejaculation frequency to the likelihood of developing prostate cancer.
Some studies link ejaculation frequency to the likelihood of developing prostate cancer.
Some studies link ejaculation frequency to the likelihood of developing prostate cancer.
Urologist Neil Baum, M.D., provides expert advice for the partners of men with prostate cancer.
Urologist Neil Baum, M.D., provides expert advice for the partners of men with prostate cancer.
The oft-dreaded procedure might not be as bad as you think, and cancer isn't always the outcome.
Beyond providing orgasms, prostate massage may hold upsides for your pelvic floor.
This inflammation of the prostate is easy to test for and simple to treat—if you don't wait.
This inflammation of the prostate is easy to test for and simple to treat—if you don't wait.
What's behind this prostate condition and how do you know you've developed it?
Prostate enlargement is part of aging. It can be managed if mild and treated if bothersome.
Prostate enlargement is part of aging. It can be managed if mild and treated if bothersome.
Sexual dysfunction is common among survivors. Its effects impact significant others, too.
Sexual dysfunction is common among survivors. Its effects impact significant others, too.
Many men will develop benign prostatic hyperplasia. Find out how it might affect your life.
Many men will develop benign prostatic hyperplasia. Find out how it might affect your life.
BPH can make socializing difficult, but symptoms are manageable with treatment and planning.
Learn what patients and their partners can expect following a radical prostatectomy.
Researchers believe more awareness of risk could lead to earlier diagnosis and better outcomes.
Researchers believe more awareness of risk could lead to earlier diagnosis and better outcomes.
More men are being diagnosed in later stages, leaving providers searching to find the reason.
More men are being diagnosed in later stages, leaving providers searching to find the reason.
The body's immune response is being weaponized in the fight against disease.
The body's immune response is being weaponized in the fight against disease.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a prostate issue that may hinder sex but can't hurt a partner.
Counselor Anne Katz adds new stories on how to support a partner who has received the diagnosis.
Counselor Anne Katz adds new stories on how to support a partner who has received the diagnosis.
Cancer shouldn't be the first thought if your prostate-specific antigen levels are high.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia isn't life-threatening, but its complications can alter daily life.
Prostate cancer is highly treatable, and surgery isn't the only way.
New technology may reduce the need for multiple tests and make active surveillance easier.
Androgen deprivation therapy is a useful tool for doctors and patients, sometimes on its own.
New research reveals how several cancerous genes are linked to this specific ancestry.
Ignoring your general health is a quick way to create sexual and urinary issues.
You may not have symptoms of this parasitic STI, but serious complications could arise.
Symptoms or not, schedule a prostate exam, a colonoscopy, cholesterol bloodwork and more.
Symptoms or not, schedule a prostate exam, a colonoscopy, cholesterol bloodwork and more.
The band's former guitarist is facing the most advanced phase of the disease.
Urinary symptoms can point to an enlarged prostate, but not always in men in their 20s and 30s.
Urinary symptoms can point to an enlarged prostate, but not always in men in their 20s and 30s.
Foods that irritate the prostate should be avoided or best eaten in moderation.
Research suggests frequent release can lower a man's chances of developing the disease.
The removal of tissue for examination has limitations. A simpler form of diagnosis could help.
Steam treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia can minimize sexual function side effects.
Prostate inflammation accompanied by pain, nausea and urinary issues needs to be treated.
Problems with the gland are almost inevitable, but there are ways to keep it healthy.
Problems with the gland are almost inevitable, but there are ways to keep it healthy.
If you want to stay away from prescription meds, try a few remedies that nature offers.
If the disease comes back, your treatment might depend on the initial therapy.
Can no treatment be a good treatment? Yes. And it works for people with certain diagnoses.
The recent breakthrough could help treat the more dangerous—and deadly—form of the disease.
Minimally invasive and multifaceted, this approach can be more efficient than others.
It's a pain when pleasure hurts, and your prostate could be behind your post-ejaculation pain.
Doctors may soon have a new weapon against treatment-resistant forms of the disease.
Cancer screening guidelines have changed significantly. Detection methods have followed suit.
Major League Baseball, Prostate Cancer Foundation team up again for the Home Run Challenge.
Elevated prostate-specific antigen test results can point to cancer, but not in every case.
Guidelines concerning testing, biopsies and treatment have been updated in recent years.
Some research suggests there may be benefits, but the correlation is still being explored.
When it comes to prostate cancer, is less actually more?
New analysis yields powerful insights by fusing trial data on radiation and hormonal therapy.
Broaching a potentially uncomfortable topic might just save your life.
A new U.K. study creates an algorithm that may help to more precisely target at-risk men.
Primate study is the first to show SARS-CoV-2 infects prostate, penis and testicle tissues.
Some men effectively manage their enlarged prostate symptoms without medication or surgery.
With impressive accuracy, trained canines can sniff out all kinds of illnesses in humans.
A urologist explains the digital rectal exam and why men need one for cancer screening.
Doctors need to determine the type of infection before they can prescribe the treatment.
A prostate infection is painful, distressing and can hinder your sex life. Be informed.
Urinary incontinence isn't inevitable, but it is common and often can be treated.
This centralized network of nerves and muscles can fall prey to painful problems. What helps?
As part of an overall regimen, the practice may yield physical, mental and sexual rewards.
Most men experience some erectile difficulty during the first year; others face a longer road.
Cancer is bad enough. When it forces removal of the bladder and prostate, that's a lot to face.
Making even small changes to what you do (and don't) eat can improve the gland's health.
Keeping prostate- and vascular-caused urinary symptoms in check may lead to better erections.
Think this is too boring to read? Well, having more sex is one of the suggestions.
Doctors recommend MRI to avoid many biopsies and check the accuracy of the necessary ones.
Prostate photovaporization relieves urinary symptoms as well as the 'gold standard' method.
The prostate plays a role in ejaculation and is an erogenous zone that responds to massage.
A DRE doesn't take long, shouldn't be painful and is decidedly beneficial. Don't avoid it.
A chronic condition is challenging, but some well-placed needles may give relief, a study finds.
Inflammation of the rectal lining—proctitis—sometimes occurs in prostate cancer patients.
Learn how the male body changes at 60, physically and mentally.
Men who lose member length after a radical prostate cancer procedure can get some of it back.
Exercise, even of light intensity, can help the prostate gland and its connected systems.
Besides driving ejaculation, the gland produces an enzyme that helps regulate its own growth.
High prostate-specific antigen levels often are indicative of less serious issues.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is common, and this drug class works for most, but not all, men.
Brachytherapy uses radioactive pellets implanted in the tumor to treat prostate cancer.
Treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia vary widely, but one option is to just wait and see.
You hear about dietary options all the time, but here's some help to decide what's best for you.
So far, the topical gel has only been tested on rats, but human trials are planned.
Researchers hope the 'competition' yields results for technology that could hone diagnosis.
Whole grains, fruits, veggies can lower the risk of aggressive cancer and high PSA, studies say.
The longtime actor stressed testing and early detection during his final months.
Prostate inflammation can be more than uncomfortable. Knowing the cause is key to fixing it.
Patient participation, data sharing and advocacy drive research and treatment advances.
One case is worse, but both affect well-being.
In development for more than a decade, the technology gives pathologists a helping hand.
While cells control the gland's size, diet can help prostate health. Supplements? Not so much.
Urethra repair isn't any guy's dream, but this procedure is a long-term fix.
If you're experiencing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, get the answers you need.
Trial results for Lu-PSMA-617 offer hope for men with metastatic, castration-resistant cancer.
Syphilis scares from Oklahoma to Australia have folks nervous about a sensation down under.
A rectal exam isn't the only component of prostate screening, or even the most valuable anymore.
Doctors try to avoid it, but in certain cases, tumor removal is the answer.
Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
Yep, enhancing that once-lush mane might mask a prostate problem. But there's a solution.
While the trend is to limit these surgeries, they are sometimes necessary. Know what to expect.
Groundbreaking research reveals how genetics and socioeconomics affect survival for Black men.
Cancer isn't the only form of prostate disease, and women can help their partner spot problems.
We are what we eat—but maybe we are what we pee, as well.
Future prostate cancer screenings—all cancer screenings, really—will be more accurate.
This part of the male anatomy grows all your adult life, but how big is too big?
For some men, genetics can help guide treatment options—and predict risk for family members.
While STIs are a common cause of epididymitis, it can be non-sexually transmitted too.
High-intensity focused ultrasound is a noninvasive, radiation-free option for low-grade cases.
Whether due to bacteria, STIs or prostate issues, unusual leaks are telling you to see a doctor.
Yes, getting rid of the disease is primary, but keep an eye toward life after treatment.
Touted by radiologists, PAE for benign prostatic hyperplasia is under clinical trial in the U.S.
CPPS hurts, especially during erections and climaxes, which can cause an aversion to intimacy.
For men with retrograde ejaculation, the big O is accompanied by the big 0—as in no semen.
BPH treatments, including UroLift, have side effects. Sex doesn't have to suffer, though.
Researchers are testing CCS1477, a drug whose nondescript name belies its powerful potential.
Drug-based treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia are numerous and vary greatly.
Specific exercises might be elusive, but overall activity is definitely beneficial.
Blood in your urine or other conditions that may need treatment. Let a urologist make that call.
Extreme cold has been used to help treat cancer for years. Can it help in other ways?
Treatment takes a toll on the body, but you can take steps to manage day-to-day difficulties.
A urologist explains the most common urinary tract problem in men ages 50 and younger.
New cancer screening methods give patients the tools to avoid more invasive procedures.
Still an important tool, a biopsy isn't automatic anymore thanks to new techniques and thinking.
Even inflammation of the tiny prostate gland can cause big headaches if you want to conceive.
‘Paging Dr. Bot’ may be futuristic, but artificial intelligence offers promising developments.
Here's when and why you should be on the lookout for one of the most common urological diseases.
Here's when and why you should be on the lookout for one of the most common urological diseases.
Certain treatments slow the growth and spread of prostate cancer by limiting needed hormones.
Black men are at a higher risk for the deadly disease—and location matters, too.
Some forms of the disease are so unusual that there's still a lot we need to learn about them.
Research suggests prostate cancer is deadlier and more likely to reoccur among smokers.
Understand the ways doctors stage and rate prostate cancer, and how they talk about it.
New tools are about early, accurate and/or outcome-changing detection; they're pretty cool, too.
The disease has a promising recovery rate, especially if you take an active role in treatment.
Getting regular penis exams from your doctor is an important part of preventive healthcare.
A variety of modern technologies can help gather tissue samples for prostate cancer screening.
Beyond prostate issues, several other conditions may be causing your frequent bathroom trips.
The two conditions can seem similar, so only a doctor can help you tell them apart.
Though it's common and often harmless, an ignored case of BPH can lead to complications.
Like the other parts of your body, your prostate needs the right foods to stay healthy.
Minimally invasive procedures can help you put benign prostatic hyperplasia behind you.
Stress can compromise your immunity and increase the risk of relapse after prostate cancer.
All the signs don't necessarily mean you have the disease. What else could it be?
Prostate-specific antigen tests aren't always accurate, so don't let high PSA levels alarm you.
How is prostatitis treated? What are some prevention methods? Here are the answers you need.
Many men enjoy a few drinks now and then, but such consumption carries sexual side effects.
Our Q&A should encourage you to play with your hidden—and hot—prostate zone.
Every case of prostate cancer is different, so get answers that are important to you.
Changes in your urine stream could point to one of two prostate issues. Find out what they are.
Inflammation of the prostate is more than a nuisance. Here are some causes.
Symptom mitigation is key to living with benign prostatic hyperplasia, which can affect any man.
Not looking forward to a digital rectal exam? There are now more ways to check your prostate.
If your doctor recommends treatment for prostate cancer, pick the path that's best for you.
Prostate cancer is life-altering, but it can open a window for renewed mutual support.
These signs in isolation don't mean much but together may indicate something more serious.
Scientific backing is scant, but practitioners of semen retention claim it has sexual benefits.
Some men with benign prostatic hyperplasia may develop ED, but treatment options are available.
Prostate cancer has a significant impact on your life. Here are ways to manage post-recovery.
How can you avoid prostate cancer? Understand the risk factors and screening options.
How can you avoid prostate cancer? Understand the risk factors and screening options.
Don't overlook your prostate health—all men are at risk for serious prostate problems.
Simple lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on prostate health.
Early screening and exams are vital to diagnosis and treatment. Here's what you need to know.
Medications and lifestyle changes can improve quality of life after prostate cancer radiation.
Coping with cancer is daunting. Learning about the next steps and hopeful outcomes can help.
Reduce your understandable anxiety by knowing what to expect before, on and after biopsy day.
Studies show this cosmetic treatment may also improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
You can control some risks for prostate cancer but not others. Find out what you can do.
Prostate cancer is the second-deadliest cancer in men. It's scary, and myths about it abound.
Men are rightly concerned with keeping their prostate healthy, so don't fall for misconceptions.
Making yoga integral to your workout may improve overall health and be good for your prostate.
Most cases of obstructive urinary symptoms have benign origins, but get checked anyway.
If you have urination difficulties, identify the root cause so you can receive appropriate care.
Do we take our knowledge about prostates for granted? Maybe, but it's all thanks to research.
In the fight versus prostate cancer, ADT can be a strong defense but also an unwelcome opponent.
Equivalent to the female G-spot, the P-spot can become an integral part of full-body orgasms.
Help is available for the physical and mental well-being of prostate cancer survivors.
Most prostate exams yield nothing alarming, but a doctor may order additional tests.
This BPH surgery, which can produce long-lasting effects, is suitable for many patients.
The connection between erectile dysfunction and prostate conditions is often misunderstood.
Cancer of any kind can have a huge effect on your life, and prostate cancer is no different.
Arm yourself with the facts, dispel the myths and work with a doctor to avoid cancer.
If you’re wary of drugs or surgery, some foods and supplements may offer an alternative.
While the prostate is key for procreation in younger men, it becomes a health concern as we age.
It can be good for your health and mind blowingly pleasurable—sometimes both.
BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland. That's true. A lot of other info about it isn't.
Go for that cup of Joe. A study says your body just might thank you for it.
Find out the facts behind the stories people believe about this common prostate condition.
Prostate exams are a useful tool to keep men healthy. Here’s what you should know.
Here are 6 effective ways to cope with an issue that can make life difficult.
A prostatectomy can be lifesaving. Doing research ahead of time can help it go smoothly.
While they are meant to help in the bedroom, some studies suggest additional health benefits.
Learn how chlamydia is related to erectile dysfunction, and what you can do to protect yourself.
Feel too old for sex? You may be under the wrong impression. Sex can still be great as you age.
It might be time to give more attention to your often-ignored prostate gland.
These treatable prostate conditions are sometimes the culprit behind erectile dysfunction.
These treatable prostate conditions are sometimes the culprit behind erectile dysfunction.
To help prevent cancer, prostate exams are necessary, especially for men in at-risk categories.
An enlarged prostate can cause symptoms that range from uncomfortable to serious, if untreated.
An enlarged prostate is common, but it's important to learn more about it.
For men who suffer from prostatitis, natural treatments may provide much-needed relief.
The bacterial infection prostatitis is common and highly treatable with lifestyle changes.
Don't delay! Preventive measures now can help you later.
Various treatments for prostate cancer may have more outcomes than just managing your illness.
Prostate cancer can be treated with either traditional or alternative options.