Everyone's family-building journey is different. Let's explore the options.
Fertility treatments are pricey and often paid for out of pocket.
The technology of sperm selection during IVF allows an 80 percent accuracy of gender choice.
Author Jenni Quilter examines the complexities of feminism, IVF culture and science.
ART procedures such as IVF are generally safe but include possible downsides and costs.
The new IVF treatment uses a patient's blood—here's why it's so promising.
ART procedures such as IVF are generally safe but include possible downsides and costs.
They're part of it. A Spanish startup produced healthy twins using an egg-inseminating robot.
You might be subfertile if you're experiencing a delay in conceiving with no known cause.
In vitro fertilization is the most common form of ART, but several options are available.
ART, which includes more than IVF, has been life-changing for more than 9 million families.
Infertility is tough to handle, but it can make the connection with your partner even stronger.
Research suggests in vitro fertilization does not lead to a higher risk of mental disadvantages.
A look at in vitro fertilization: who gets it, the cost, the different procedures and more.
Here's everything you should and shouldn't say when discussing in vitro fertilization.
The star opens up about IVF, married life and rebounding from a debilitating health scare.
Are you depressed or is it the in vitro fertilization?
In vitro fertilization is highly successful, but educate yourself on the risks and benefits.
The celeb says her energy is back almost a year after pausing fertility treatments.
The former 'Friends' star also says she wishes she had known more about freezing her eggs.
This new legislation will ensure donor-conceived individuals know their medical history.
The treatment landscape is changing for many would-be parents.
Often more affordable, minimal stimulation in vitro fertilization might be a good alternative.
The process can be rewarding in more ways than one. But it's not easy or risk-free.
Many couples face secondary infertility while trying to grow their families—but why?
Research says women who use ART may face cardiovascular problems, but some doctors disagree.
The ripple effect of COVID-19 has now reached every part of family planning.
Living with the anxiety of losing a future I'm not even sure I wanted, I had to make a choice.
Fertility treatments are expensive, but there are some options to lower the bill for IUI.
HSG can provide lots of information about why you're struggling to conceive.
Among fertility treatments, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization are most common
As more businesses offer these benefits, some women are job hunting with them in mind.
Intrauterine insemination is less successful than IVF but also less invasive and less costly.
Skip the expensive labs and incubate your eggs inside the warmth and comfort of your own body.
While getting pregnant does get harder over time, there is no immediate drop-off.
The first baby born from IVF in the U.S. just turned 40, and so much has changed since 1981.
It's an occurrence known as superfetation and it's incredibly rare—but shockingly possible.
Research provides the first evidence for the role of de novo mutations in male fertility issues.
As one woman tells us, deciding what to do with leftover fertilized eggs is complicated.
This treatment uses medication to induce ovulation and increase fertility.
Specialized counselors shed light on hidden fertility issues, from sperm to disease.
Infertility, pregnancy and postpartum life all have unique stressors, but help is available.
An insulin-like growth factor may encourage the rate of spontaneous twinning in tall women.
The latest research adds to mounting evidence Pfizer and Moderna are safe for pregnant people.
Getting in vitro fertilization? Though usually safe, learn the symptoms and signs of infection.
This fertility option is becoming more popular—here's what to know when searching for a clinic.
Increased awareness and the pandemic have contributed to this fertility safeguard's popularity.
Fertility treatments offer hope to many, but the expenses can be astronomical.
If you want to become a parent but struggle to conceive, it could be worth considering.
COVID affected the availability of reproductive healthcare and worsened pregnancy outcomes.
The actress opened up about sex, fertility and what she wants to teach her teen daughters.
Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the next step in your IVF journey.
Orchiectomy is still the gold standard, but some men can retain part of their affected testicle.
The Illinois congresswoman candidly discusses her experience with IVF and pregnancy loss.
A man's fertility status post-chemo depends on a lot of factors, but parenthood is possible.
How to deal with loved ones' comments when you're struggling with infertility.
Here's how to become a safe space so your friends and family feel they can open up.
Women who choose to have babies later in life have more options than ever.
The journalist discusses her IVF struggles and finally becoming a mom in her late 40s.
When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it must be removed to save the woman.
Research results are conflicting, but doctors warn weed won't do you any fertility favors.
For couples with male-factor infertility, IUI and ICSI are good alternatives to traditional IVF.
As many as 36 percent of twin parents face the difficulty of this situation.
Oral medications and nasal sprays create an innovative pathway for in vitro fertilization.
Bass says he's 'never been so happy' after his first five days with his children.
It's possible to prevent the passing on of these serious conditions.
To preserve fertility in the face of cancer or other issues, freezing some swimmers is smart.
The process is challenging both physically and mentally—be prepared.
IVF isn't for everyone—be sure to weigh the pros and cons.
An infertility diagnosis can be shocking. Knowing how to cope can help.
Freezing your eggs or embryos is a step toward conceiving in the future.
The comedian shares how he raises his kids—and how despite divorce, they 'came from love.'
Claims of health benefits abound, but let's dive into the realities of this holistic practice.
The reality star went through four rounds of IVF before getting pregnant.
This congenital condition is rare, but some men learn about it when they're unable to conceive.
Considering your fertility before you want children can help inform your decisions.
IVF is a good option for some people, but 'family balancing' has sparked a serious conversation.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a potential complication of hormone-boosting drugs.
The growths can keep you from getting pregnant. Clinical trials show there may be a solution.
An osteoporosis drug is being studied for its potentially positive effects on male fertility.
The widening fertility window gives your biological clock a few more years to tick down.
Two lesbian couples discuss the ins and outs of pregnancy.
Here's what you should know if you're thinking of reversing 'the snip': It doesn't always work.
Though the symptoms are similar to menopause, you may still be able to get pregnant with POI.
Science is giving mothers with certain genetic diseases the chance to have a healthy baby.
Caught early, bladder cancer is highly treatable. But other factors may affect your fertility.
Addressing the symptoms of this scrotum condition is simple enough, even if you can't avoid it.
Carrier screening, amniocentesis and other tests can prepare you for a lot, but not everything.
The fertility conversation is inevitably emotional, but it doesn’t have to freak everyone out.
Your age, lifestyle and treatment plan will guide which of these options are best for you.
Careful decisions regarding conception and pregnancy are nobody's business but your own.
Various health issues can cause blockages for your sperm—and fertility.
As someone with this rare condition, let me tell you all about it.
Know where to start and what questions to ask before finalizing your fertility clinic choice.
Options outside of IVF exist. Are they right for you?
Certain genetic disorders can cause infertility in men, but treatment options are available.
Learn how the shape and swimming style of sperm affect male fertility.
When other solutions aren’t an option, surrogacy remains a dependable way to have a child.
Sperm banks are an option to freeze sperm for future use, but get some facts straight first
Affording in vitro fertilization treatments is possible but takes forethought and strategy.
If needles make you squeamish, you may have trouble with some of these fertility medications.
Tackling infertility begins with understanding the possible causes.
You can still maximize your chances of getting pregnant after the age of 35.
In vitro fertilization makes multiples more likely, although not as often as in the recent past.
Curing the disease can cause infertility, but it’s possible to minimize that risk.
Before you decide on in vitro fertilization, it's important to know all the facts.
Anticipate what's in store for this momentous step of the in vitro fertilization process.
Grief, doubt and frustration—heavy emotions can take their toll on a partnership.
Coping skills are essential to navigating fertility issues effectively.
For women surviving cervical cancer, pregnancy can still be an option, depending on treatment.
How to protect your emotional well-being before divulging the details of your family plan.
If you struggle with infertility, here's what you should know before heading in for treatment.
Consider several factors as you look for the perfect person to carry your child into the world.
You still have options—and alternatives—for becoming a parent when age is not on your side.
Your perspective on fertility treatments might be different the second time around (and beyond).
Cancer has men thinking about their future children—whether they planned to have them or not.
If you’re struggling to conceive, you still have many options to consider.
Studies disagree on whether the traditional practice will solve your conception difficulties.
Egg freezing offers an amazing—but risky and complex—choice for women's reproductive plans.
Egg freezing offers an amazing—but risky and complex—choice for women's reproductive plans.
While it doesn't automatically mean infertility, endometriosis may require immediate attention.
Scientific advances in conception continue to offer fresh hope for men facing infertility.
Fertility preservation may be the key to having a family after cancer treatment.
Adopting an embryo may provide a path to parenthood for couples with infertility issues.
Getting your 'tubes tied' is an effective and permanent way to prevent pregnancy (but not STIs).
Over 35 and pregnant? Here are tips and advice for moms-to-be.
Your pregnancy journey should include exercise, but be careful of how much.
You had a vasectomy, but now you want to conceive. What are your options?
Looking to start a family one day? Here's what you need to know about freezing eggs or embryos.
IVF is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility and conception. Get the facts.
What do the success rates advertised by IVF clinics actually mean for prospective patients?
IVF costs vary greatly, but it’s not out of reach for people serious about starting a family.
While this medical procedure has highly successful outcomes, there are issues to consider.
Thanks to embryo cryopreservation, you can safely put your future offspring on ice.
Take time to process your feelings and seek support when dealing with infertility.
You’re following all the rules, and yet you’re not getting pregnant. Where do you go from here?
Let’s discuss all the reasons you might decide to freeze your eggs.