Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
By Izzie Price
Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
By Izzie Price
Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
By Izzie Price
Learn about STI clinic services and confidentiality guidelines.
The Swedish adult filmmaker is calling for children to think critically about erotic content.
The Swedish adult filmmaker is calling for children to think critically about erotic content.
The Swedish adult filmmaker is calling for children to think critically about erotic content.
The Youth Sexpert Program is planning to transform teens into next-generation sex ed advocates.
Having some 'alone time' might actually benefit your health in surprising ways.
Having some 'alone time' might actually benefit your health in surprising ways.
Before you take your pleasure to the next level, you must first understand why it feels good.
Before you take your pleasure to the next level, you must first understand why it feels good.
The medical term for 'sexually active' is mostly associated with insertive sex but there's more.
By Tabby Kibugi
The medical term for 'sexually active' is mostly associated with insertive sex but there's more.
By Tabby Kibugi
The medical term for 'sexually active' is mostly associated with insertive sex but there's more.
By Tabby Kibugi
How to ensure the young adults in your life have the sexual health information they need.
Almost everything affects your sexual desire, so pay close attention to symptoms and get tested.
By Clara Wang
Almost everything affects your sexual desire, so pay close attention to symptoms and get tested.
By Clara Wang
The experts tell us sexual activity is better with scents, but here's what you can do instead.
By Tabby Kibugi
The experts tell us sexual activity is better with scents, but here's what you can do instead.
By Tabby Kibugi
The experts tell us sexual activity is better with scents, but here's what you can do instead.
By Tabby Kibugi
This form of birth control can be used by all genders and can be up to 95 percent effective.
By Lola Méndez
If you're asthmatic, sexual activity could leave you breathless. But for all the wrong reasons.
Once you reach a comfortable place in your sex life, it's important to know how to stay there.
By Helen Massy
Once you reach a comfortable place in your sex life, it's important to know how to stay there.
By Helen Massy
Having this conversation with a partner doesn't have to be awkward—it can be fun, too.
By Anna Herod
Having this conversation with a partner doesn't have to be awkward—it can be fun, too.
By Anna Herod
Protecting the health of this organ is crucial, but it might not be where you think it is.
Here is a woman's handy guide for orgasms and intimacy, and how to make both better.
Sexual values are vital in all aspects of day-to-day living, but especially in your sex life.
By Tabby Kibugi
The 'Sex Education' star is accepting submissions from women through February.
By Lauren Dodd
Here's what you need to know about a residual and inconsequential bit of tissue.
By Gabi Conti
Author Sophia Smith Galer debunks the myths surrounding intimacy and sexual education.
By Kitti Palmai
Author Sophia Smith Galer debunks the myths surrounding intimacy and sexual education.
By Kitti Palmai
Although common, this STD can have serious health consequences if left untreated.
By Alex Denny
It's time to debunk some myths about a piece of tissue with no biological purpose.
By Gabi Conti
What is sex and why do we do it? And why do we always want more?
Here's expert advice on how to transform your relationship with masturbation.
Here's expert advice on how to transform your relationship with masturbation.
Is it true that ejaculation is actually good for your skin? Learn the facts.
By Alexa Sims
Is it true that ejaculation is actually good for your skin? Learn the facts.
By Alexa Sims
What if sex ed wasn't all about prevention and shame?
By Rachel Crowe
Being medicalized is inescapable for some patients, but it should not poison sexual development.
Author Catherine Roach describes a sexual and gender revolution driven by young adults.
By David Hopper
Why do we sometimes feel hot, and why do we sometimes not?
By Mira Miller
Why do we sometimes feel hot, and why do we sometimes not?
By Mira Miller
Prioritize awareness and stop letting shame dictate your healthcare.
Author and sex therapist Yana Tallon-Hicks wants to empower you in the bedroom.
By David Hopper
Author and sex therapist Yana Tallon-Hicks wants to empower you in the bedroom.
By David Hopper
Penis length in paintings of male nudes has increased dramatically, a new study shows.
Without access to an educational program, these individuals face a higher risk of abuse.
Hollywood tells us only half the story: Real people don't always rush into sex.
By Maxwell Rabb
The controversial procedure is common in some countries because of cultural beliefs—and myths.
By Jake Hall
From Sisqo to Victoria's Secret, the love of the thong dates to at least 1939..
By Jake Hall
Become aware of the internal clitoris and how stimulating it makes for better sex.
By Kay Johnson
October is all about promoting open dialogue between adults and children about sexual health.
What's that picture of a blue vagina that looks like a waffle, and what is this so-called STI?
By Clara Wang
Lots of people, including professionals, don't have sexuality fully figured out, and that's OK.
Are we doing enough to prepare our children for their future safety?
By Xenia E.
Don't feel weird if you cry after sex or have period-like cramps. Many people do.
A voyage through the back door can end in fertilization, but only if semen takes a detour.
By Reniel Anca
A sexologist weighs in on the film's focus on puberty and the Asian mother-daughter dynamic.
By Diamond Yao
After ejaculating, most men need some time before they're ready to go again.
After ejaculating, most men need some time before they're ready to go again.
Author Meg-John Barker explains why the comic book medium is perfect for exploring sex.
By David Hopper
You already have enough to figure out. Now here comes puberty.
By Holly Ellis
Having a sexually transmitted infection is bad, but what other people think can make it worse.
By Xenia E.
Hundreds of Native American tribes need quality education that preserves cultural values.
By Ally Sweeten
Writers emphasize the importance of listening and 'positive masculine patterns.'
Talking to your kid about this subject can be awkward, but it's essential for their safety.
By Holly Ellis
In an exclusive Q&A, sociologist Steven Epstein explores his book about society and sexuality.
By David Hopper
From semen for teeth whitening to Coca-Cola for contraception, what are the facts?
Every child should be equipped with comprehensive and inclusive information.
Here's how to navigate through cultural taboos in immigrant communities.
By Clara Wang
Taking precautions is key, but relies on knowing the right facts first.
By Helen Massy
My childhood trauma and experiences have greatly influenced my sexual journey.
As more male members flood the small screen, their presence becomes less and less shocking.
By Marine Perot
A deep dive into the comment section reveals gaps in our collective sex health education.
By Ronny Maye
Pleasure-seeking women wish male counterparts would stop believing these 5 video narratives.
Pleasure-seeking women wish male counterparts would stop believing these 5 video narratives.
Pleasure-seeking women wish male counterparts would stop believing these 5 video narratives.
And I used to work for one of the services.
Petition by more than 40 companies states 'sexist' algorithms are blocking educational content.
By Meg Walters
Reevaluate your expectations of sex to make it less of a competition and more about intimacy.
By Sarah Wood
An almost-complete primer of LGBTQIA+ slang and terminology.
By Rich Lopez
From the differences between 'infection' and 'disease' to understanding risks, get the facts.
Their sex-positive messages on pre-cable TV changed the way we look at sex, love and friendship.
Their sex-positive messages on pre-cable TV changed the way we look at sex, love and friendship.
Their sex-positive messages on pre-cable TV changed the way we look at sex, love and friendship.
I can’t tell if there’s something wrong with me, my vagina, or the sex I’m having.
Its symptoms can be nil, its effects not felt for years, but HPV should be top of mind.
By Rachel Crowe
They're full-body and powerful, no matter how far away they are from your genitals.
By Rachel Crowe
Words matter, often more than we even realize. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.
By Mira Miller
Helping people feel safe and comfortable while they explore sexual interests is crucial.
Pain during female arousal is a thing. Here's what can help.
Sex may be evident at birth, but only you can be sure of your own identity.
By Rachel Crowe
Literature of an erotic nature may be scandalous, but it has some hidden upsides.
Literature of an erotic nature may be scandalous, but it has some hidden upsides.
Honest communication and an open mind are key when meeting a potential lover.
The singer said watching explicit videos at age 11 'destroyed' her brain.
By Giddy Staff
The success of ethical and independent sex media depends not only on laws but banks, too.
The power lies in subverting pop culture tropes about love and sex.
By Aria Vega
A lot of sexual education involves villainizing teen pregnancy. But is that fair?
Can a dentist tell if you've given oral? One TikTok goes viral with the answer.
Adult intimacy is a little more complicated than preschool rules teach us.
Talking will help in the long run, but pleasure can be achieved in the absence of an erection.
When considering a lack of sexual education, porn literacy can help students fill the gaps.
By Xenia E.
How the demands and failings of a strict religion affected a gender-questioning child.
Calling her one says much more about us than it does about her.
By Aria Vega
It's an ugly truth about 20-something sex that many need to hear.
By Aria Vega
Taking a peek inside the world of 'smut merchant' Harriet Sugarcookie.
There are better ways to learn about sex than from a friend on the school bus or from porn.
Children should understand sexual consent long before they understand sex.
The 'LA's Finest' actor opens up about his relationship and talking to his teens.
Things are a little different than the days of 'Playboy'…but not as different as you think.
Female bodies are only as mysterious as you make them, even if you have one yourself.
After several decades and dozens of studies, the results are mixed.
The MPAA keeps its ratings board hidden—where it wants to keep sex.
By Aria Vega
Most guys may think lasting a long time in bed is a blessing, but for many, it's a curse.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic was poised to ruin America's sex drive. Along came the Queen of Pop.
A slang expert helps illuminate some of the best (and worst) sexual innuendos over the years.
Despite some progress, discrimination continues to play out in sexual healthcare.
By Jake Hall
Pleasuring myself opened up a new world of understanding how society views my body.
You're not a failure if you don't climax. There are much more important qualities to consider.
A certified sex therapist explains.
'Teaching other people about sex helped me realize I needed a break from it.'
By Aria Vega
Children of immigrant parents face additional barriers when discussing intimacy.
By Fjolla Arifi
Testing and treatment aren't impossible, but gaining access to solutions can be difficult.
When you have a gay daughter—who uses TikTok—the standard sex talk isn't going to cut it.
Rare and benign, this condition causes a swollen vein around the head of the penis.
By David Hopper
Safe sex and regular checkups are crucial, even when a penis isn’t involved.
It only took one political scandal to spark a global movement.
By Jake Hall
Everyone's favorite class still needs a lot of work in order to properly educate young people.
By Ashley Mateo
The viral video platform has become a space to share sexual health info, for better or worse.
Young adults are upsetting sexual norms and changing how older generations talk about sex.
Standard sex ed, especially in regard to nontraditional identity models, doesn't measure up.
Educators weigh the pros and cons of taking this complicated conversation virtual.
States are trying to make intentionally slipping off or damaging your condom a criminal offense.
Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections have distinct differences.