Trent Johnson
Trent Johnson

Trent Johnson is an associate editor at Giddy with a primary focus on topics under the Sexual Health and Culture and Lifestyle banners. When not thinking about all things sex, he’s haunted by the collective sports histories of the Houston Rockets and Los Angeles Chargers. Trent is based out of Houston, Texas, and has a love/hate relationship with his cat Beerus.

October is all about promoting open dialogue between adults and children about sexual health.
Trying to conceive with one testis might sound scary, but sperm production is often sufficient.
This congenital condition is often fixed in newborns, but if not, men can suffer its effects.
PEVR can be a cause for concern, but often the perception is the underlying issue.
Erections are great normally, but one that will not go away is a medical emergency.
If low-T claims you as a victim, you should get TRT, right? Well, not necessarily.
Even though the contraceptive procedure is quick and fairly easy, there's a lot more to know.