Knowing if it's environmental allergies or COVID-19 can help you find relief.
Coronavirus manifests differently across individuals, but there are patterns.
Metabolic conditions are linked with increased risks of long COVID. But does this include PCOS?
Metabolic conditions are linked with increased risks of long COVID. But does this include PCOS?
New research suggests maternal immunization has long-lasting benefits.
A new study suggests 'long COVID' may affect sperm counts, semen quality and more.
What is the coronavirus and what factors contributed to its spread? And could it happen again?
How can you communicate your needs and concerns in an increasingly maskless dating pool?
How can you communicate your needs and concerns in an increasingly maskless dating pool?
How can you communicate your needs and concerns in an increasingly maskless dating pool?
This chronic condition damages the lining of blood vessels and might be a source of low libido.
A new survey shows nearly 1 in 5 girls said they were victims of violence.
When parents do drink, they drink more, new research finds.
The COVID-19 era mirrors the isolative and restrictive conditions linked to unhealthy habits.
Changes are temporary and have no effect on fertility, researchers say.
It's time to get off the couch and date. Whether you go out or stay in, here are some ideas.
COVID-19 and libido may be linked as research indicates lasting effects.
A study of U.S. clinical trials across 10 years finds disparities between male and female data.
Whether for safety or convenience, distance care has provided positive change for clinicians.
Two-plus years of isolation and fear create the perfect storm for an eating disorder relapse.
Socially marginalized women leave the hospital earlier after a cesarean birth, a study reports.
COVID-19 has left us craving real connections—and honesty—more than ever.
Infants born to vaccinated mothers are less likely to catch the virus, new study finds.
The ripple effect of COVID-19 has now reached every part of family planning.
Primate study is the first to show SARS-CoV-2 infects prostate, penis and testicle tissues.
Research on the mRNA COVID-19 shot finds it effective for women undergoing chemotherapy.
Home visits and technology could help more people manage sexual wellness and mental health.
Sex toys bring reliable joy anytime, but especially when you're in need of connection.
When trust in the world is broken, we may no longer trust our own paths forward.
Listen to their words; they may help you get in touch with your sexuality and fantasies.
Research indicates that vaccines continue to work, helping both mother and child.
Buzzwords range from funny (hesidating) to fishy (kitten fishing) to frightening (submarining).
For people without the physical affection they need, touch practitioners can come to the rescue.
Self-pleasure may help boost your mood and ease discomfort when you're sick.
If you can't isolate, follow these tips to have safer sex during an infection.
Someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds, but only three percent of us donate annually.
A recent study shows a slight increase in cycle length.
Researchers are investigating the technology that fights COVID-19 for further uses.
What has the virus really done to us? How will this affect our ability to handle after-crisis?
The latest research adds to mounting evidence Pfizer and Moderna are safe for pregnant people.
As drug abuse numbers climb, keep an eye on certain red flags to curb the risk.
Everyone's reason to drink less is personal, but the steps to get there usually overlap.
Not yet fully FDA authorized, the medications are not recommended for expectant mothers.
These suggestions may seem obvious, but you need to heed them—get in shape and see your doctor.
Thanks to the pandemic, more of us are feeling less horny.
If infertility isn't an impetus to get vaccinated, how about potential erectile dysfunction.
With so much data flying around, it's time we got a year-end status update on the pandemic.
COVID affected the availability of reproductive healthcare and worsened pregnancy outcomes.
The CDC advises expectant women to get another dose for additional protection.
COVID-19 forced a lot of couples to get serious, fast. Perhaps it was a good thing.
We had a relatively good year, but are we about to have a major comeback?
Approved in 1946, this vaccine has saved lives for 75 years. Make sure to get one.
This viral suggestion about ivermectin can cause yeast infections and other issues.
To curb my sexual frustration and the risk of COVID-19, I've taken my sex life online.
A new study shows the unique challenges it posed to new moms.
Numerous stressors can negatively affect male fertility, so don't let the virus be another one.
These hidden building blocks of immunity protect babies in their first months of life.
Five universities will look at a growing number of reports on less-discussed side effects.
Broadening our definitions also helps us broaden care, protection and prevention.
Quitting or losing a job can strain a marriage, but communication can help avoid catastrophe.
The McCord List creator faced health complications along with COVID-19 restrictions.
Latex, lambskin or luminescent: What you wrap up with makes a difference.
Sorry, folks, 'hacking' your sleep schedule for maximum efficiency is just another urban legend.
Despite the risk of severe illness and urging from the CDC, only 22% are fully immunized.
How were members impacted by COVID-19 restrictions and what do the new guidelines look like?
Make the most of this (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime situation.
Peak amounts of stress and solitude changed the way our brains connect with our libidos.
While we're 'getting back to normal,' consider adding these recent practices to your lifestyle.
With vaccines fueling a new 'Roaring '20s,' brands are reexamining ways to grab our attention.
Enlarged lymph nodes are affecting test results for some immunized women.
With doors shut and online censors tight, small businesses learned to adapt.
Does 'Hot Vax Summer' mean a coinciding return to in-person health appointments? It should.
Women are reporting irregular periods and fertility concerns after getting their COVID-19 shots.
How are you celebrating this year?
Pandemic pounds or single slump be damned, it’s time to get out and enjoy yourself.
Do successful coronavirus vaccines mean hope for vaccination against HIV/AIDS?
Being stuck at home isn’t the miracle recipe for masturbation we may have thought.
After pandemic life and escalations in racial violence, coping becomes a survival strategy.
Are you just a homebody or is it becoming a full-blown phobia?
You’ve tried your hand at online dating, but what about good old-fashioned real life?
Circumstances keep changing now that we have vaccinations, so where do you begin?
The virus may be responsible for your erections—or lack thereof.
Why don't dating apps provide helpful information about STIs and STDs on their platforms?
Could reliving past trauma be the secret to recovering from it?
An Italian study indicates getting COVID-19 could mean erectile issues for younger guys.
After a pandemic-induced dry spell, Americans are ready to glove up.
Keeping your relationship fresh doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Reports that the doses are impacting menstruation raise old concerns about women’s health.
Despite a pandemic that has necessarily limited in-person meetings, you can still date safely.
The tie that binds may feel a little too binding if you're in lockdown with your lover.
In a ticklish conversation, success comes down to how you choose your words.
COVID-19 has put us all on edge. Can we ever get back to normal?
Anonymous sperm donation is quickly becoming outdated, challenging the relevance of sperm banks.
How do you keep your love life alive in an increasingly virtual world? Here are some ideas.
More research is needed, but early studies show a link between coronavirus and sperm count.
Here's why everyone is getting back together during the pandemic.
Dating has never been without risk, and then COVID-19 added new challenges. But don't despair.
With its many and various symptoms, COVID-19 is far more than a respiratory illness.
Whether your relationship is rocky or rock-solid, the pandemic is revealing many truths.
Patient advocates are finding creative ways to provide support when they can’t be present.
Stuck at home? Try these approaches to get your partner to shape up and put out for better sex.
Feeling down can impact your interest in getting down. Here, how to reignite the spark.
Educators weigh the pros and cons of taking this complicated conversation virtual.
Facing COVID-19’s social restrictions as a single woman taught me valuable dating lessons.
Sex stops for nothing, not even a pandemic. But you can be smart about it.
Looking to break up the monotony of…well, everything? Try this beginner’s guide to kink.
Being married during a pandemic is a roller coaster, but it’s important to enjoy the ride.
Improve your quarantine sex life, while you and your better half endure the pandemic.