Low-Cost Date Night Ideas for Post-Quarantine

We’ve been navigating quarantine long enough to find our routines. Even though we’re making it work, spending most days in close quarters can make some couples feel like unhappy roommates. When kids are involved, the constant housework can resemble a never-ending weekend of chores.
These circumstances can make us take our partners for granted or develop tunnel vision and only focus on getting work—both around the house and to pay the bills—done. The good news is having a low-cost date night is possible now and can help you and your partner focus on each other for a change.
Go outside
My partner and I love to get outside together. Whether it’s camping, hiking or just working in the yard, there are so many fun activities to do. You can take a trip to a local park for a walk or drive to a state park for a hike. For an extended outing, pack a cooler and rent a fire pit. You and your partner can have a private picnic as you grill your favorite foods with a view of the sunset.
My partner and I prefer to construct a backyard campfire. This is a fantastic way to have a date night and family night. While my kids are still up, they love to come outside and roast marshmallows on the fire, but after bedtime, my partner and I will sit alone curled up by the fire while we watch our favorite TV shows. If you want to keep the evening unplugged, print out a star map for your location, lay on a blanket and see how many constellations you can find.
Homemade dinner date
Depending on where you live, you might encounter limited entertainment and restaurant options. Having a dinner date can make something normally a chore into a fun, romantic activity.
Make the trip to the store part of your date. If you live in the city, rent bikes and take a tour through town. This is a great way to get out of the house while still being safe. Together, you and your partner can plan the meal, shop for ingredients and cook a romantic dinner for two.
As for what you cook, you have plenty of options. Make a tried-and-true recipe or find a new one that’s outside your comfort zone. You can even pick an episode of your favorite cooking show and try to cook the meal together. For more excitement, pretend it’s a cook-off where you both make your own dish and then judge each other’s cooking.
Romantic night in
Maybe you want your typical evening on the couch to be a little more romantic. Make dinner or order takeout and then settle on the couch and take a virtual tour of your favorite museums, historical landmarks or even outer space. This is a great way to feel like you’re escaping your house while staying safe.
Afterward, wind down the evening by lighting candles and pouring your favorite drinks. For those who don't drink alcohol, this can be hot chocolate or even bedtime tea. You can turn on some romantic music to set the mood or stream an episode of your favorite show before you head to the bedroom.
Make time for each other
No matter how you spend your evenings, it’s important to plan for a regular date night. With so much of our world shut down, it can seem impossible to find fun things to do. Fortunately, with a little creativity, even our everyday places can be transformed into new and magical settings. Making time for each other reminds us why we’re together and can make us feel a little less isolated in these constantly shifting times.