What happens when you have high blood sugar, especially if you’re hyperglycemic and pregnant?
By David Hopper
Can't sleep through the night without peeing? Is your quality of life affected? See your doctor.
Nocturia—urinating at night—is common, especially among older adults and pregnant women.
Nocturia can affect your overall health and sex life, thanks to symptoms like fatigue and pain.
Urinary tract infections are a common complication of high blood sugar, but there are solutions.
Urinary tract infections are a common complication of high blood sugar, but there are solutions.
Hydration affects your physical, emotional and sexual health. But can too much water kill you?
Veteran urologist and author Martha Boone dishes on UTIs, kidney stones and much more.
By David Hopper
Hematuria can signal a serious medical condition, but what should you do about it?
By David Hopper
Hematuria can signal a serious medical condition, but what should you do about it?
By David Hopper
Hematuria can signal a serious medical condition, but what should you do about it?
By David Hopper
It's possible to live with long-term UI and keep a healthy lifestyle, physically and sexually.
By Reniel Anca
Urinary incontinence can be a normal part of aging, but it's possible to learn to live with it.
By Reniel Anca
Many factors can affect your body's ability to hold in urine, from urgency to muscle weakness.
By Reniel Anca
Burning when you pee? These naturally occurring compounds could be a sign of an infection.
By Coralle Skye
If you have pain when you're peeing and suffer from endometriosis, you aren't alone.
Men can get urinary tract infections—and they may indicate something bigger is wrong.
The practice uses hormone responses to promote health, including for urinary issues.
By Rachel Crowe
One is an issue of volume, the other of frequency. Both need to be treated—but differently.
By Helen Massy
Thinking of waiting out a urinary tract infection? Here are the risk factors to consider first.
By Fjolla Arifi
The 'Harry Potter' actor says he went through 'one of the worst things I've ever experienced.'
Sacral nerve stimulation technology is highly effective in treating urinary issues.
By David Hopper
Although men are more prone to developing the disease, women tend to have worse outcomes.
Learn more about an issue that is often considered embarrassing.
By Helen Massy
Learn more about an issue that is often considered embarrassing.
By Helen Massy
Learn more about an issue that is often considered embarrassing.
By Helen Massy
Benign prostatic hyperplasia isn't life-threatening, but its complications can alter daily life.
By Helen Massy
Changes in urine clarity and color can signal body issues you should know about.
Ovarian cyst? UTI? Experts break down the reasons why it might burn when you urinate.
By Kitti Palmai
Find out what can cause this buildup of scar tissue and how doctors can repair the urethra.
A red tinge in pee, poop or semen likely signals a benign issue, but it's worth a check up.
By Coralle Skye
A red tinge in pee, poop or semen likely signals a benign issue, but it's worth a check up.
By Coralle Skye
Giving the pelvic floor a workout is good for many ailments, but not all.
An unusual sight in a bodily fluid isn't a fun discovery, but the culprits are easily treated.
By Holly Ellis
Reversing prostate growth with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may cause low libido or ED.
By Kate Daniel
A complicated problem is fixed by a standard procedure with myriad paths to success.
Bladder leaks are common, but a variety of helpful items are available.
By Coralle Skye
Discharge and painful urination are symptoms of the inflammatory condition urethritis.
Yep, men can get UTIs; not as frequently as women do, but it still helps to know your risk.
By David Hopper
Urinary incontinence isn't inevitable, but it is common and often can be treated.
By Rachel Crowe
Kidney stones that travel down the ureter can cause excruciating pain. What's the solution?
An enlarged or inflamed gland can make urination problematic, though the symptoms differ.
While understanding hormones during menopause is helpful, there may be better ways to do it.
An infected Skene's gland may be the cause of your bladder discomfort.
Patients and doctors alike could benefit from more knowledge about the painful disorder.
By Sarah Harris
Some experts recommend yearly pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) for preventive care.
Prostate photovaporization relieves urinary symptoms as well as the 'gold standard' method.
What to expect when you're expecting? Possibly—a urinary tract infection.
If you keep getting up through the night, it may be time to check your pelvic floor.
It's not just annoying. A long-term, persistent issue can have far-reaching effects.
By Rachel Crowe
Staying hydrated is important, but fortunately for your bladder, you don't need to go overboard.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is common, and this drug class works for most, but not all, men.
Lymphedema of the penis and scrotum is rare, but serious cases may require surgery.
Chronic yeast infections and their discharge could be a condition called lichen sclerosus.
Urinary tract infections can lead to a life-threatening condition. Here are the warning signs.
That skin irritation could be a sign of an STI.
By Holly Ellis
Syphilis scares from Oklahoma to Australia have folks nervous about a sensation down under.
We are what we eat—but maybe we are what we pee, as well.
While STIs are a common cause of epididymitis, it can be non-sexually transmitted too.
Learn all about peegasms, or what your mother never told you about holding in your pee.
Blood in your urine or other conditions that may need treatment. Let a urologist make that call.
By David Hopper
From urine to blood, fluids can be a huge turn-on for some. Here's the deal on fluid fetishism.
Don't panic if you pee a little during Pilates—it's common in adult women of all ages.
Beyond prostate issues, several other conditions may be causing your frequent bathroom trips.
Urinary tract infections are less likely in men than women, but they happen—here's what to know.
By David Hopper
Urinary tract infections are less likely in men than women, but they happen—here's what to know.
By David Hopper
Changes in your urine stream could point to one of two prostate issues. Find out what they are.
By Anna Herod
Can changing your diet help you prevent or alleviate a urinary tract infection?
If you are urinating more frequently than usual, it could be caused by prostatitis or BPH.
By Erin Coleman
Remedies in conjunction with antibiotics may help you bounce back faster.
By Holly Ellis
Pain and erectile issues are just two of the reasons to call the doctor—the sooner the better.
By David Hopper
If you have urination difficulties, identify the root cause so you can receive appropriate care.
By Eric Schad
Some UTI symptoms may fly under the radar, but missing the clues can have consequences.
By Holly Ellis
Just because they're common doesn't mean UTIs can't be dangerous. Getting treated is key.
By Thea Engst
UTIs can cause painful symptoms and become dangerous if untreated, but you can stave them off.
By Anna Herod
Don't panic! Blood in your urine can be very bad, or sometimes not so bad.
By Sarah Morris
Both men and women should remember to pee following sexual intercourse.
By Ashley Mateo
A UTI can strike at any time and lead to serious complications. Be prepared with the facts.
Save yourself from pain and trouble by identifying possible causes of urinary tract infections.