Physical Causes

Diabetes and ED share common underlying factors. Addressing the source is often the solution.
Treating your hypertension can often worsen your ED. Fortunately, you have options.
You may be able to reduce the risk of heart problems and improve ED-related symptoms.
Focus on foods that enhance your diet, sexual performance and overall health—at the same time!
Erectile dysfunction affects tens of millions of U.S. men, but exercise can change that figure.
These treatable prostate conditions are sometimes the culprit behind erectile dysfunction.
It’s already getting you through your day. Can coffee get you through sex, as well?
Cycling is good for you, but understand the factors that might affect your sexual performance.
While they are meant to help in the bedroom, some studies suggest additional health benefits.
This misunderstood molecule is the bedrock of your boner, so get the facts.
Minimal effort can reap major benefits with these easy exercises—if you know what you're doing.
The connection between erectile dysfunction and prostate conditions is often misunderstood.
Understanding your ED means first knowing how diabetes and erections interact with each other.
Supplementing certain amino acids can boost your nitric oxide, but you may have enough already.
Treatment options for men with erectile dysfunction and chronic pain may improve their sex life.
Men with diabetes are more likely to suffer from ED, but do ED drugs work well for diabetic men?
Medical procedures may offer a fix for ED, but you need to know the risks involved.
A leaner, meaner you means lower blood sugar and better erections.
Increasing blood flow is the key to this innovative use of stents to aid erectile dysfunction.
Approaching each condition separately can help with both.
Keeping blood sugar in check by watching your diet can also help with erectile function.
It all comes down to the tiniest blood vessels in the male body.
An Italian study indicates getting COVID-19 could mean erectile issues for younger guys.
Identifying the links between erectile dysfunction and sleep issues can help you with both.
Diabetic men are more prone to erectile issues than men at large. Get answers that help.
Learn what you can do to maintain your erections so diabetes won't wreck your love life.
Erectile dysfunction isn't just about your penis—often it's a sign of other health problems.
Erectile dysfunction shots are often used as a second-line treatment, after ED drugs.
Breaking a sweat may be your secret weapon in the fight against erectile dysfunction.
The (bad) choices you make in five areas could increase your chances for erectile dysfunction.
Sex may change with age, but these six tips will help keep you active and satisfied.
Help your partner manage these conditions so both of you can enjoy a satisfying sex life.
Younger guys facing trauma-induced erectile dysfunction can consider penile revascularization.
A medication commonly used to treat hair loss has been linked with erectile dysfunction.
A surprising cause of erectile dysfunction is an overload of an essential mineral.
Knowing the process can take the anxiety out of getting tested for erectile dysfunction.
Both hyper- and hypothyroidism can affect men's sexual function. The good news: treatment helps.
Your brain and body depend on sugar, but how much is too much or not enough in your diet?
Why do men with IBD and IBS apparently have a greater risk and prevalence of ED?
When your drinking starts to go beyond the occasional social beer you may notice these changes.
The ancient practice's whole-body benefits could very well perk up certain pleasurable parts.
Testosterone deficiency is common in men with diabetes, and that can lead to sexual dysfunction.
Well done or rare, too much red meat might make for fewer erections.
Prolonged exposure to an elevated blood glucose level can cause erectile dysfunction.
The first can cause the second, which can be a sign of the first. It's all about blood flow.
Healthy blood pressure equals healthy blood flow, which equals healthy erectile function.
Kick the cancer sticks or risk erectile dysfunction.
Yes, 'the snip' involves a sexual organ, but that doesn't mean it will impact sexual function.
Managing both conditions comes down to common sense. Talking to your doctor is a great start.
The causes of ED often differ between older and younger guys, but the effects are the same.
A daily routine can aid the mind, body and soul—and maybe ease erectile dysfunction symptoms.
As an essential component of erections, NO can be a big yes in avoiding ED.
If you suffer from these conditions, update your menu with sources of flavonoids and lycopene.
The absence of testosterone and other hormones may signal future bone loss.
Your doctor recommends this class of drugs for cholesterol. Let's dispel the myths you've heard.
A blockage in the abdominal aorta limits blood flow to the legs and another important body part.
Meds aren't usually the sole cause of erectile issues, and their effects can be minimized.
A plant-based diet can help reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction, a new study concludes.
A good night's sleep is critical to overall well-being, including your sex life and erections.
Medical imaging of a venous leak occurring.
If you're able to attain but not maintain an erection, faulty veins might be the problem.
A blue pill for erectile dysfunction has a cross and bones on top of it.
A self-prescribed ED pill landed one man in the ER with priapism. He got lucky. You might not.
Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism are associated with ED, but treatment is available.
Maintaining sexual function in the face of constant discomfort is a challenge, yes, but doable.
If infertility isn't an impetus to get vaccinated, how about potential erectile dysfunction.
A man blows out smoke after using an e-cigarette.
Smoking has long been tied to erectile issues. Think vaping alleviates that risk? Think again.
If ED ruined your night of chocolate and roses, it's time to find the cause of a thorny issue.
Neuropathy and heart meds can affect results, but other options exist to treat dysfunction.
The reason may not matter in the moment, but sometimes ED is the exception, not the rule.
The two organs control key underlying factors that support the entire process of erections.
When male breast tissue proliferates, erectile dysfunction can result. The reasons are complex.
Even if your partner doesn't leave you over erectile dysfunction, get it checked out anyway.
Platelet-rich plasma regenerative cell therapy shows promise for erectile dysfunction.
A relatively simple vascular procedure ended a man's 30-year struggle with erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction has multiple causes and treatments, but many patients get limited choices.
Iron levels that are too high or too low may cause erectile dysfunction.
The world of alternative types of sexual fulfillment is limited only by your imagination.
A woman wraps her arms around a shirtless man from behind.
Dealing with ED is difficult enough—let alone the misconceptions.
A new study suggests the meds have a lower risk than thought. But lower risk isn't no risk.
Hypothyroidism can decrease libido and is associated with erectile dysfunction.
Vascular issues may damage the smooth muscle cells that are integral to getting an erection.
A man runs down the street, wearing blue and listening to music.
Excess weight can impair sexual health by affecting bodily systems and psychological conditions.
Blood cells pour out of a drawn blood vessel.
Your sex life isn't necessarily over just because you're being treated for hypertension.
The head of a man is next to a glass of beer and a pack of cigarettes against an orange background.
You're strong and youthful now, but the choices you make in your 20s can affect you tomorrow.
A man and woman are kissing as they embrace.
Overcoming the guilt and shame associated with ED can improve more than just intimacy.
A man sits up in a hospital bed while a doctor listens to his back with a stethoscope.
Surgery, chemo and radiation damage tissue and blood vessels, but ED workarounds are available.
A man and a woman stand on their bed hidden behind a sheet with only their bare legs showing.
Many physical and mental health conditions, as well as lifestyle choices, can affect ED.
A sitting man has his elbow propped up on his knee and his head in his hand.
If you have diabetes, you have an elevated risk of ED. Find out what you can do about it.
A sugar packet has ED written in yellow and orange repeatedly in a pattern.
There are several steps you can take to treat diabetes and ED. Here's what you need to know.
A man with diabetes checks his insulin levels.
If you have diabetes and cope with ED, you can still have a good sex life. Find out how.
A man sits down with his hands folded together.
Penis and testicle conditions are more common than you may think. Here's what you need to know.
A young man wearing a backpack looks over his shoulder, smiling, with a mountain in the background.
Younger men are increasingly experiencing ED, and most of the reasons are avoidable.
A man smiles while jogging and listening to music.
Staying fit is a proven way to keep the penis, and the blood vessels feeding it, in good shape.
A man sitting on a bed holds up a prescription drug that could cause a low sex drive.
Even effective medications can wreak havoc on your libido.
A shirtless man with a hairy chest and some belly fat stands in front of a beige background.
Fat in the midsection affects vascular health, a known erectile dysfunction risk factor.
On top of an orange background, a green drawing of a human crotch and thighs is surrounded by five outlined organs in green circles.
Erectile dysfunction may be triggered by bodily systems seemingly unconnected to sex.
A look down the center of a grey stent against a white background.
Erectile dysfunction caused by arterial problems has a treatment more associated with the heart.
A banana curving downward with a frown faced chat bubble above it.
ED isn't always about not getting hard. Sometimes it's about not being able to stay that way.
An elderly man with white hair clutches his chest and looks downward.
The two share characteristics, but let's look at how they are actually related to each other.
A uniformed soldier sits in a wheelchair with his elbows propped up on the arm rests.
Men who served are more prone to PTSD and other conditions that can lead to erectile problems.
Three green and white pills are set on a bright blue background.
The first-line may cause erectile dysfunction, according to research.
A person holds the skin of their stomach after bariatric weight loss surgery.
The minimally invasive operation may improve your overall well-being and sex life.
A man's ankles show under a bathroom stall as he sits on a toilet with his pants down.
The ties are somewhat indirect, but constipation could potentially cause ED.
A doctor looks at a box for Eddie by Giddy.
ED can be stressful, but the condition is treatable with help from a doctor.
The top of a balding, blue head is in front of an orange background.
Treatments for receding hairlines and male pattern baldness could cause problems in the bedroom.
A doctor in a white coat and stethoscope gesticulates at he talks to a patient with his back to the viewer.
TBIs can lead to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation issues.
The book cover for Manhood RX sits on an orange background.
Author Arthur Burnett, M.D., provides comprehensive advice to improve sexual well-being.
A lit cigarette bends downward against a teal and black background.
Tobacco products are linked to numerous issues, from ED to Peyronie's and infertility.
A walking path stretches across rolling hills towards a group of phallic trees in the distance.
Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can improve your erections.
A man sits on the coach with his head in his hands.
Heart health has a lot more bearing on erectile function than your choice of boxers or briefs.
A packet of Statin pills lays against a blue surface.
High cholesterol can lead to adverse sexual side effects, but medications can help fix them.
A man is lifting weights.
Any form of exercise, lifting and weight training included, can help your erectile dysfunction.
A box of Finasteride sits on top of the bald head of a man.
Post-Finasteride syndrome can cause real, negative sex effects for men.
A close up photo of a couple holding hands along their touching knees.
Take some advice on what to say (and not to say) regarding erectile issues.
A wind sock hangs deflated on a post.
Changes in sexual function may be a sign that something else is wrong with your health.
Two diuretic pills have valves coming out from the middle of them and turning downward.
Water pills can contribute to ED, but they don't need to ruin your sex life.
marble statue's pelvic region broken with red spine exposed with yellow triangle sign with exclamation point
SCIs can lead to sexual dysfunction, including issues with erections and ejaculation.
A man smiles while holding his bike.
Spinning His Wheels with Erectile Dysfunction: How One Cyclist Pulled Out Ahead of ED
Despite trying everything to break away from erectile dysfunction, Nick finally hit his stride
A man is sitting down at his art table posed with his arm resting on his knee.
The Art of Coping With ED After a Prostatectomy
Most prostate cancer survivors have some degree of sexual dysfunction.
A hospital bed is rushed through the hallway by doctors and nurses.
How One Man's Fainting Spell Led to an ED Diagnosis
How much of a role do thyroid problems play in erectile dysfunction?
A couple holds hands between their laps.
How a Wife's Determination Helped Her Hubby Treat Diabetes-Related ED
The key to finding the right solution was research and optimism. And a whole lot of patience.
A man stretches his back during an exercise on the floor.
Here's How Henry Brought Spontaneity Back to Sex
The 65-year-old said the device requires minimal prep time and effort.
banana turned downward in clear glass on blue and pink marbled background
Here's how you can talk to your partner about ED and how to find a solution.
A downturned fountain spout is against a blue background.
'Giving yourself a hand' may lead to erectile dysfunction, but the path is indirect.
Two blood veins lay against a blue background in opposite directions as blood flows in and out of them.
Diabetes and hypertension, for example, can cause clogged arteries and ED.
A man smiles looking at the camera.
Military Veteran Battles Erectile Dysfunction After Heart Attacks
Jasper Meyer, a former law enforcement officer, thinks Eddie is a little piece of ED magic.
Two men embrace while smiling at each other in a park.
From Struggle to Triumph: One Man Finds the Right ED Treatment
One Gen X-er had almost lost all hope of ever reclaiming his previously satisfying sex life.
man and woman sit on bed holding hands as she is about to kiss his neck and he looks disinterested
ED can lead to a lack of desire, but many men with erectile difficulty do maintain libido.
A pink woman holds her hands up as her boyfriend looks under the sheets at his penis having ED.
Experts share tips for dealing with your partner's erectile dysfunction in a new relationship.
close up of end of cigarette with lots of ash pointing down like a flaccid penis
ED usually doesn't signal relationship issues but may indicate underlying health problems.
banana in short glass with whiskey on teal table and light blue background
Alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction isn't only about whiskey and it's very real.
A man holds a needle to his stomach as he injects himself.
Diabetes is associated with ED, but could the treatment also be to blame?
Packets of blue pills are lined up in a row against a green background.
Horny goat weed may not be all you're getting with over-the-counter sex supplements.
person with hands in front of pelvis with downturned banana on orange sunburst background
An erection isn't required to have the big O. They are separate physiological responses.
red and white pill bent over with sad face then stands up straight with happy face on light blue background
ED may be related to blood thinners, but how? Can you avoid any of the effects?
blue with pink spotted nerves endings on black background
How does the nervous system work to help you get hard and what can go wrong?
A doctor tests the blood of a male patient.
ED could be performance anxiety or something more serious, such as undiagnosed prediabetes.
Two circular trays hold white pills with a few scattered onto a teal surface.
Supplements for circulation can help some people with ED, but L-arginine may not be enough.