Can Nitric Oxide Supplements Help With ED and Are They Safe?

If you've done any research into erectile dysfunction (ED) treatments and medications, you've probably encountered the term nitric oxide. Produced naturally in the body and vital to blood vessel health, nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels.
But blood vessels aren't all it relaxes. It is also known to be the primary component in relaxing the smooth muscle of the penis, making nitric oxide a vital ingredient in the process of a man getting an erection.
Even though we know that the body makes nitric oxide naturally and ED drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) and others work just fine to release the necessary nitric oxide to help produce an erection, some men consider taking additional nitric oxide supplements.
But is supplementing with nitric oxide effective? More importantly, is it safe? What if it's taken in combination with ED drugs?
How do people take extra nitric oxide?
You can't directly take nitric oxide as a supplement, but you can take other supplements that help the body produce nitric oxide. A couple of amino acids are known to be components for making nitric oxide in the body: L-arginine and L-citrulline. At least four widely recognized and peer-reviewed studies have indicated that a combination of L-arginine and the supplement Pycnogenol can be effective in helping men with erectile dysfunction and other reproductive issues. Another study indicated L-citrulline can create modest improvements, too.
Most people get plenty of these amino acids in their regular diet. L-arginine is found in red meat, dairy, poultry and fish. L-citrulline is also found in meat, as well as nuts, legumes and watermelon.
Even without taking L-arginine supplements, we naturally consume about 5 grams of it every day, helping our bodies to make the nitric oxide we need for circulation and other bodily functions.
Benefits of amino acid supplements
If you are considering taking supplements, know that there are several well-studied physical benefits connected to specific amino acids:
- Decreased muscle soreness. L-citrulline has been shown to reduce muscle soreness after exercise by increasing blood flow to the muscles in use. In one small study, respondents experienced 40 percent less muscle soreness after taking an 8-gram L-citrulline supplement following bench press exercises.
- Lower blood pressure. Studies have found that consuming more nitrates like those found in green leafy vegetables helps the body produce more nitric oxide and lower blood pressure.
- Enhanced exercise performance. Numerous studies indicate that nitric oxide helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles during exercise by widening the blood vessels.
- Helps manage type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes have an impaired ability to produce nitric oxide, leading to poor blood vessel health and other complications. Researchers have indicated that L-arginine supplementation in diabetic populations improves nitric oxide production and may help reduce blood pressure and better optimize blood sugar control.
Nitric oxide supplements & ED meds
Since erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra and Cialis lower your blood pressure, you must be very careful about what you take in combination with them. Since L-arginine or L-citrulline supplements can also lower blood pressure, taking any supplements together with ED drugs might be dangerous.
If you are taking an ED medication, you should consult your doctor before starting on nitric oxide supplements. Supplements in general should be regarded with a wary eye. They are not tested or approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and their labeling isn't regulated, so you might not be getting what you expect. As with any serious change to diet or medication, proceed with caution.