A recent study is the first to establish a link between PTSD, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
A recent study is the first to establish a link between PTSD, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
The first step to learning how to manage anxiety is to recognize what defines it.
Female service members are more likely to have PTSD. They also have distinct symptoms.
Reliving trauma can be a messy minefield where you could end up retraumatizing yourself.
Dealing with sexual trauma may involve going on a trip—but we're not talking about a vacation.
PTSD is treatable, but it takes work to care for someone or to live with the disorder.
An array of treatment options can help people living with the condition manage their symptoms.
Here's how to spot signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in a loved one.
This involuntary, biological survival mechanism can cause temporary paralysis.
As common as it is, PTSD is still a bit of a mystery. Here's how it really affects people.
Prolonged exposure therapy shows promise for mental trauma caused by combat.
We debunk misconceptions about how PTSD can affect sexual and mental health.
After being sexually assaulted, I struggled to focus. But treatment options are available.
Females are often diagnosed with ASD much later in life. That's a problem.
If you're considering dating someone with PTSD or CPTSD, here's what you should know.
Creating healthcare sensitivity protocols improves the patient experience.
Erectile dysfunction is often a consequence of trauma. Therapy treats both.
In its new season, the Starz drama can no longer overlook the reality of surviving trauma.
No tears may seem like a stoic approach, but it's more likely a harmful response to trauma.
This mindfulness practice may help alleviate insomnia, chronic pain, anxiety and depression.
The U.S. campaign against substance use has morphed over the past 50 years.
When trauma is prolonged and repetitive, complex post-traumatic stress disorder can develop.
This treatment may be helpful for men struggling with ED due to psychological reasons.
When trust in the world is broken, we may no longer trust our own paths forward.
If this important chemical messenger is out of balance, libido and mental health can suffer.
Dreaming is a natural part of your slumber cycle, but too much might indicate a disorder.
Learn new tools to take care of your partner while also taking care of your own trauma.
An extra set of eyes can help alleviate anxiety during a sensitive examination or procedure.
Treating mental health is hard enough, but assembling the best medical team can be overwhelming.
What do our prescription trends tell us about our state of suffering?
Learning to breathe can enhance your own sexual experience and your partner's, too.
There are multiple techniques you can use to self-regulate as you process intense emotions.
Can you suffer from the damage of past generations? In a word, yes.
Weird vibes? Strange turns-of-phrase? How to tell a therapist isn't the right fit for you.
Positive, negative and traumatic experiences affect libido, but these situations can be managed.
Being subjected to public masturbation can have lasting effects.
Advanced technology can offer real-life scenarios in a virtual setting.
From dance clubs to the therapist's couch, Special K leads the psychedelic therapy revolution.
Why do we expect our psychiatrists to be miracle workers?
A horrible boss can quickly turn into a horrible nightmare, even causing PTSD symptoms.
It's all good when celebs support a cause, but it shouldn't be all about them.
Your fight-or-flight response is always on, you're irritable, paranoid and you can't sleep.
The challenges of finding the right specialist depends on your diagnosis, history and goals.
A new study is trying to find answers so the profession can become safer for women.
The actress shares how she rebuilt her life after sexual abuse and assault.
You might accept your own post-traumatic stress, but other people could be less understanding.
Yes, trauma in regard to food is real and often stems from childhood experiences.
Dissociative identity disorder allows me to deal with my trauma, without being alone.
Listen to your body. Irregular menstruation could be signaling that something else is wrong.
Psychedelics may be more effective than traditional drugs for some psychiatric conditions.
Can routines like qigong and tai chi help people coping with trauma or other crises?
Everyone's on edge these days, but did you know that how you breathe can help ground you?
One mental illness can invite another, but why, and what can you do about it?
This disorder can leave you feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you.
'Teaching other people about sex helped me realize I needed a break from it.'
As FDA trials progress, there's some key info to know about this (potential) path forward.
This painful condition can be debilitating, but getting back to your life is possible.
Addiction can destroy a partnership, but providing support is essential for recovery.
The instability brought on by BPD can encourage promiscuity and risky sexuality.
There's no one-size-fits-all solution to recovering from sexual trauma. But there is hope.
If you are overwhelmed by nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety or dark thoughts, try these solutions.
A watchful eye and intentional choices can reduce the suffering caused by PTSD.
Ecstasy-based studies enter Phase 3 trials with promising data.
Could reliving past trauma be the secret to recovering from it?
Experiencing a shocking or terrifying event can have a lasting effect on your sexual health.
Here’s what you need to know about vaginismus, which can cause sex to be painful or impossible.
How much does your state of mind shape your sexual health?
How much does your state of mind shape your sexual health?
Here are ways to recognize and treat depression—in yourself or someone you know.
A clinical diagnosis of panic disorder opens the doors to treatment and recovery.
This method of treating PTSD optimizes brain processing using memories and eye movements.
Seeking treatment for PTSD may help prevent premature dementia and hypertension in older adults.
Post-traumatic stress is a life-altering anxiety disorder affecting millions of females
Healing after sexual trauma is not straightforward, but it is possible.
Exercise can reduce the symptoms of PTSD and improve sufferers' quality of life.
PTSD can affect anyone, so it's important people are aware of the stages they may go through.
These tools and techniques may help alleviate the devastating effects of PTSD symptoms.
Understand the adverse effects that PTSD can have on relationships, work and sex.
Advancing medical and psychological treatments expand your options for addressing PTSD.
Breakthroughs in learning about PTSD are providing paths to much brighter outcomes.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious and sometimes misunderstood condition.
Numerous studies show a strong interplay between depression and erectile dysfunction.
Reducing anxiety is critical in PTSD treatment, and there are countless ways to get started.
Finding the right PTSD treatment can restore your sleep cycle and help rein in your symptoms.
A sudden panic attack can be daunting, but you have ways to cope.
COVID-19 has put us all on edge. Can we ever get back to normal?
Flashbacks, guilt, fear and avoidance can all be signs telling you to seek a doctor's diagnosis.
If your past is weighing you and your sex life down, it's time to stop facing it alone.
Post-traumatic stress disorder can upend life for patients and those who love them.
Studies have found correlation between PTSD and ED, so coping with one may help with the other.
Post-traumatic stress disorder affects not only those suffering, but also partners and family.
Difficult to define and diagnose, narcissism can be a very serious disorder.
Anxiety is a common problem, and it can affect your libido. Learn how to take back control.