Gillian May
Gillian May

Gillian is a former nurse turned freelance writer who writes mainly within the health topics of alcohol addiction, trauma, and mental health. She uses her professional and personal experience to provide impactful health education that also tells a story. She currently lives in Colombia with her wife and 3 dogs. You can follow more of her work at

The failure to diagnose and treat this condition is a major problem in the U.S.
This disorder is more than a lack of attention.
There are challenges for a person with this condition, yes, but they're not insurmountable.
Often called a child's issue, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can persist in adulthood.
Mental health issues can make intimacy challenging, but you can still have an amazing sex life.
Given the staggering statistics, more people with TRD are struggling with trust and intimacy.
Just a little drink to help the medicine go down. What could go wrong?
No tears may seem like a stoic approach, but it's more likely a harmful response to trauma.