Almost 50 million in the U.S. had a substance use disorder in 2022. And the trend is rising.
Some drinkers swear these pills do the trick, but do they work? Are they safe?
Nearly everyone has heard about the power of beer goggles—but is it based in truth or myth?
Nearly everyone has heard about the power of beer goggles—but is it based in truth or myth?
Nearly everyone has heard about the power of beer goggles—but is it based in truth or myth?
Learn how to create an unforgettable festival experience—even if you're going it alone.
Alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction isn't only about whiskey and it's very real.
Alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction isn't only about whiskey and it's very real.
Drinking too much alcohol affects sexual function and pleasure—but not always in a good way.
Drinking too much alcohol affects sexual function and pleasure—but not always in a good way.
Drinking too much alcohol affects sexual function and pleasure—but not always in a good way.
Drinking too much alcohol affects sexual function and pleasure—but not always in a good way.
The effects of vino on women's bodies increase as they age. Can you offset bloating's effects?
The effects of vino on women's bodies increase as they age. Can you offset bloating's effects?
Too much booze can cause problems with performance and libido.
Research indicates that even moderate drinking could hurt your chances of conceiving.
No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy.
Here's what to expect in your daily life as you're dealing with alcohol use disorder.
The goal is to stop drinking safely. But what's the best way to go about that?
Learn about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatments for alcohol use disorder.
This chronic brain disease can lead to serious consequences for your health and sex life.
When parents do drink, they drink more, new research finds.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.
What are some strategies we can use to reduce the emphasis of alcohol in our lives?
Structural changes are detected in fetuses whose mothers consume less than a drink per week.
Step programs are the gold standard in substance use recovery, but do they work for everyone?
Once you enter the gray areas of substance use, it's time for the hard questions.
Where should we draw the line between 'taking the edge off' and prescribing our own medication?
The honeymoon phase of quitting substance use can both help and hinder long-term recovery.
Here's how to make your at-home intervention as effective as those on TV.
If you want to try to help a loved one suffering from addiction, you need to know the basics.
Just a little drink to help the medicine go down. What could go wrong?
Addiction is a medical and psychological issue, so why are many recovery programs faith-based?
Overturning troubling patterns requires the development of positive, consistent ones.
We are slowly adopting a sympathetic and, hopefully, more effective approach toward addiction.
Choices you make—and some factors you can't control—may affect your semen production.
Kidney disease doesn't have to slow you down, but it does take planning.
As a cultural beverage, it’s universal—but there can be consequences to drinking too much.
As drug abuse numbers climb, keep an eye on certain red flags to curb the risk.
Artists from one of America's busiest music cities reflect on the rhythm of relationships.
Everyone's reason to drink less is personal, but the steps to get there usually overlap.
Hormones keeping you up? There are ways to slumber again.
You may 'drink and know things,' but if you want to do things, put the alcohol down.
When it comes to your health, a good night's slumber should be top priority.
Meds often can't help with these period-specific headaches, but there are coping strategies.
While somnambulism is a rare condition most are familiar with, it says a lot about your sleep.
It's a life-threatening condition you may not even know you have.
What to do the morning after when you've had one too many the night before.
Most individual fertility issues can be assessed and treated, but some cases are 'unexplained.'
It's okay to imbibe a bit while breastfeeding—pumping and dumping isn’t the only solution.
Certain foods help boost concentration and energy—others may do just the opposite.
For the newly sober, sex can be weird and awkward but also bedframe-shaking.
Psychedelics may be more effective than traditional drugs for some psychiatric conditions.
While usually harmless, it can also be a sign of underlying health issues.
Is moderate marijuana use a smart path to sobriety?
Responsible drinking can become second nature once you understand the facts and benefits.
How much do you know about the process that factors heavily into male fertility?
If it’s not noisy neighbors or an uncomfy bed, the culprit might be in your health or habits.
Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes, but chronic stress can be a literal downer for guys.
When your drinking starts to go beyond the occasional social beer you may notice these changes.
Here are five tall tales about men and procreation that still make the rounds.
Separating fact from fiction about erectile dysfunction can help reignite your sex life.
Mental health disorders and addiction are co-occurring conditions that have lasting impacts.
A glass of wine a week isn’t worth the risk when you’re pregnant.
Knowing the process can take the anxiety out of getting tested for erectile dysfunction.
Most men will experience some form of ED, but these numbers are clues to reducing your risk.
Learn about the types of vaginal cancer, and the risk factors and symptoms to watch out for.
Sex involves the mind and body, and your orgasm difficulty may have causes rooted in either.
Certain healthy lifestyle behaviors can benefit lazy sperm and improve their motility.
Many men enjoy a few drinks now and then, but such consumption carries sexual side effects.
Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction, but that doesn't mean you can't prevent it.
The (bad) choices you make in five areas could increase your chances for erectile dysfunction.
You can't always prevent fertility problems, but you can avoid some of the risk factors.
An official diagnosis of addiction can illuminate the road to recovery.
Ecstasy-based studies enter Phase 3 trials with promising data.
Abuse of all forms can create vicious cycles. Know when to step away.
Without enough sleep, all aspects of your health can suffer. But how much is enough?
If you've ever wondered, 'Will my penis fit in there,' it's best to assume the answer is no.
Men make up one-third of infertility cases. Here’s what they can be doing to turn that around.
Exercise may be the best medicine for your body. But how effective is it to fight substance use?
One of the most common cancers in men under age 44, testicular cancer is highly treatable.
Are you making a fresh start? Here's how you can return to healthy living after an addiction.
All those clichéd healthy-lifestyle recommendations matter more when you're trying to conceive.
Don't let outdated beliefs keep you or a loved one from seeking much-needed support.
Eating for two comes with crucial responsibilities, some of which you may not expect.
It’s OK to drink during your period, but know the chemical changes your body may experience.
It’s OK to drink during your period, but know the chemical changes your body may experience.
If you need to boost, lower or maintain your estrogen level, pay attention to these 10 foods.
The food you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection or play a role in causing one.
Many times it's no big deal, but there may be situations where shrinkage is more serious.
Loving each other through recovery isn't easy, but hard work can make a relationship stronger.
Knowing how to optimize your fertility could help you and a partner conceive.
During pregnancy, intense specified hunger can go beyond just wishing for a cookie.
These tips require minimal effort and expense but could make all the difference for fertility.
There's a clear link between drinking alcohol and increased risk for breast cancer among women.
Is your limp response to booze a one-night thing or a persistent problem?
It’s no secret that alcohol makes it hard to get hard, but why, and what can you do about it?