The justices did not decide if the state's strict abortion law violates federal law.
The abortion pill remains available via telehealth following the June 13th ruling.
The new bill makes it illegal to possess abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription.
The new bill makes it illegal to possess abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription.
The case could affect emergency medical care for millions of pregnant people in the U.S.
Covered entities can no longer share protected information about your reproductive health.
The legislation requires accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.
The 1864 law criminalizes all abortions except those necessary to save a pregnant person's life.
The justices' decision could restrict or protect abortion pill access for millions of Americans.
The Supreme Court expected to weigh in on the medication's legality.
Reigniting the sexual spark after ending a pregnancy can be difficult but not impossible.
Mifepristone remains legal in abortion-legal areas of the United States.
The medication, legal for 23 years, is at the center of the latest reproductive health battle.
A lawsuit by anti-abortion groups seeks to halt the nationwide distribution of mifepristone.
Five women claim Texas' law put their lives at risk while pregnant.
The procedure might not have been enshrined in the Constitution, but it wasn't illegal, either.
Here's what you need to know about this emergency contraception.
It can take some time to adjust after ending your pregnancy. Resources and support can help.
A fertilized egg that implants outside the uterus is rare but can be serious if left untreated.
Find out how to obtain a procedure safely and what you can expect afterward.
Your story can break the silence, but it shouldn't break your spirit.
The new study indicates a link between abortion restrictions and rates of self-inflicted deaths.
The state Supreme Court strikes down the law as unconstitutional for violating privacy rights.
An FDA regulatory change allows retail pharmacies to register to dispense mifepristone.
New wording specifies that this pill is emergency contraception, not an abortion medication.
There’s no need to put off trying to get pregnant again for six months, research says.
A survey of more than 5,000 people reveals how the court ruling is changing love lives.
Some women still have to pay for it. Several rights organizations are fighting for them.
Both require similar treatment, and some patients who miscarry are having trouble getting help.
Some drugs most commonly used to treat chronic conditions are being impacted by legal red tape.
Opening up the conversation about contraception—and what happens if it fails—isn't easy.
For as long as we can remember, humans have wanted to get rid of unwanted pregnancies.
The measure attempts to bolster legal options left lacking after the overturning of Roe.
Despite recent legislation and judicial rulings, supportive resources are available.
While some people claim abortion can cause psychological harm, research indicates the opposite.
The Supreme Court overturns abortion rights, setting reproductive healthcare back decades.
Your doctor doesn't need to know: Symptoms and treatment following either event are identical.
So why isn't the procedure for men brought up more often in the fight for reproductive rights?
Here's what the legislation looks like where you live.
With a possible overturning of Roe on the horizon, misinformation about DIY procedures abounds.
What may happen if the Supreme Court takes away the constitutional right to end a pregnancy.
Ending a pregnancy can seriously alter how you view intimacy—or have no effect at all.
Reversing abortion protections could have far-reaching economic implications for America.
In a place where abortion is illegal, I am grateful I was able to choose.
Roe v. Wade will be overruled, according to a drafted majority opinion obtained by POLITICO.
We take a look at what brought us to this moment in reproductive health.
The physical, the emotional, the hormonal. Recovery involves many facets of the body and mind.
Reproductive rights hang in the balance as numerous states move toward tighter restrictions.
The majority of Americans support access to birth control, but many women face limited access.
When the ibuprofen won't cut it, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation might help.
Guttmacher Institute data analysis shows 54 percent of 2020 abortions were done via medication.
The 'This Is Us' actress is among the 25 percent of women to have an abortion in their lifetime.
Conflicting evidence shows Plan B may not work as well for some people—but you have options.
Have we been turning more and more to virtual abortion appointments in the pandemic?
Women living in poverty face significant barriers to access.
Despite the evidence, some still think emergency contraception causes abortions.
When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it must be removed to save the woman.
Virtual care and medication by mail are providing affordability and a stigma-free experience.
It's been more than 60 years since women got The Pill. What's the holdup for guys?
Women facing the decision to abort often need emotional support—enter this specialist.
Robert Pitman has ruled SB8 unconstitutional, but the state is appealing the decision.
SB4 takes effect Dec. 2 and is the latest addition to the state's strict abortion laws.
The 'heartbeat bill' may serve as a blueprint for restrictions across the U.S.
Women in low-income, rural communities often face barriers to affordable contraceptives.
This procedure can help with menstrual complications that impact your fertility.
Emergency contraceptives are available as a second line of defense to prevent pregnancy.
How to discuss your decision with a partner, and where to turn if they're not supportive.
While often talked about as one type of procedure, there are actually options.
Men can hurt after an abortion, too—sometimes with serious psychological ramifications.
Common myths create added stigma around a medical procedure that is both safe and legal.
There are many choices and factors to consider after you decide to terminate a pregnancy.
Reality differs from our collective imagination of how an abortion looks and feels.