Men's Health

Penis and Testicle Health

The Basics

Low-quality medical advice on TikTok and other platforms has spawned a new term: bro-science.

Be careful: Influencers across platforms are spreading bad medical advice to millions of people.

Semen and the process that sends it out of the penis are both a bit complicated.

Here's what your daybreak and nighttime boners reveal about your sexual health.

The Basics

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. This time three years ago, I was unaware.

Survivor Mike Craycraft started an advocacy organization to help men learn about the disease.

Heredity may play a role, but the chance of getting the 'Big C' in your testicles remains small.

The search is on for telltale molecules beyond the three that already indicate half of TC cases.

Life After Testicular Cancer

Of course, you're going to be apprehensive, but the big stuff won't change.

Here are 5 reasons I'm glad I talked to my doctor about my mental health after I beat cancer.

Surviving the disease isn't always the end of the psychological battle.

The results might be less drastic than you think, but consider banking some sperm.


Understand what goes into treating the acute and chronic versions of the urological condition.

A urologist explains how common problems arise for the duct transporting semen.

Doctors need to determine the type of infection before they can prescribe the treatment.

STIs and urinary issues cause most cases, so prevent the former and address the latter quickly.

Improving Penis and Testicle Health

Backers of penile devices claim they can make you bigger, but are they even safe?

Beating oxidative stress can boost erections, enhance sexual performance and fertility.

More length may be within reach, but remember a couple of important caveats—and what's 'normal.'

These suggestions may seem obvious, but you need to heed them—get in shape and see your doctor.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Uncommon signs of this disease can point to other health problems, so don't ignore them.

So you have a lump. Your medical team will likely use diagnostic images to investigate.

An analysis of nearly 200,000 men could lead to improvements in screening and prevention.

A lump is the most common indicator—self-exams help—but be aware of other signs of the disease.


This benign scrotal condition is a mystery to most people. Get the basics and help your man.

A urologist can determine whether your swollen scrotum needs treatment, and you have options.

While mostly harmless, this fluid-filled sac in the scrotum can lead to the need for treatment.

Here's how to talk with your healthcare provider about the swelling in your scrotum.

Complications and Procedures

It's a well-known term, but what exactly are blue balls? Can your testicles actually turn blue?

Erections that last four hours need attention, though the type determines the urgency.

Short-term shrinkage is normal, but testes that continue to get smaller should be examined.

Where you live, who performs it, your insurance plan and even time of year affect the price tag.


Less invasive procedures are available for this painful and uncomfortable scrotal condition.

Varicoceles usually don't require treatment unless they affect quality of life or fertility.

This generally harmless condition can still cause painful issues that men will need to address.

Addressing the symptoms of this scrotum condition is simple enough, even if you can't avoid it.

Treatment and Recovery

Robot-aided retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is a fairly new procedure with a big upside.

The three big weapons attack more than just cancer. Know how they might impact your body.

Orchiectomy is still the gold standard, but some men can retain part of their affected testicle.

Reactions to radiation, chemotherapy or surgery vary, so educate yourself about what's coming.

Peyronie's Disease

In addition to curvature, penile indentation is a common presentation of this disease.

Why does my penis curve? Some men need to ask, and too few know the answer or the treatments.

Contrary to common misconceptions, Peyronie's disease doesn't have to ruin your sex life.

Most research is inconclusive, but men see results with meds, devices and injections.


With or without surgical repair, this penile birth defect can present challenges.

This congenital condition is often fixed in newborns, but if not, men can suffer its effects.

Learning how to deal with this common penile birth defect can be a lifelong process.

Correcting this penile birth defect may boost self-confidence, but be aware of the risks.

Premature Ejaculation

Some men learn to last longer in bed by taking matters into their own (or a partner's) hands.

If your hormones aren't in line, chances are your orgasms aren't, either.

Antidepressants, especially SSRIs, are effective for many men who ejaculate too quickly.

Diabetes, thyroid disease and prostatitis are among the ailments potentially linked to PE.


Choices you make—and some factors you can't control—may affect your semen production.

PEVR can be a cause for concern, but often the perception is the underlying issue.

A decrease in semen volume can be caused by many factors, as well as indicate other troubles.

Support a partner with perceived ejaculate volume reduction by taking a proactive approach.