The justice's decision will affect multiple state laws concerning medical care for trans minors.
The first ban on transition healthcare for trans youth is also the first ban to be overturned.
These decisions partially buck a recent trend of restrictive gender-affirming care laws.
The nonprofit organization released a historic national emergency declaration on June 5.
Having both testes removed is done mainly for gender affirmation or advanced prostate cancer.
Here's what you need to know about the side effects of testosterone therapy on your vagina.
Hollywood is moving away from stereotypical trans roles. That's a good thing.
Healthcare can affirm the experiences of nonbinary menstruators by degendering the cycle.
Female-to-male patients with cervixes often fall through the gaps for serious health procedures.
The challenge to overturn 'freeze-frame' policies is a long—but not impossible—road.
I've always been at least a little gay, but my queer identity has opened avenues of exploration.
Anyone with the gland is at risk for the disease, but trans people may face unique challenges.
Gender-inclusive brands can help reduce dysphoria for some trans and nonbinary people.
Verbal and nonverbal means demonstrate an affirming stance toward LGBTQIA+ identities.
When endo is called a woman's disease, transgender men get left behind.
This 2015 film is about much more than transgender living.
Having a baby helped me realize how much I needed my gender transition.
Dr. James Barry's medical achievements were revolutionary but overshadowed by gender scandal.
If it's been proven both ineffective and harmful, why is it still in practice?
A revelation about a biological parent throws it all into question.
Sex may be evident at birth, but only you can be sure of your own identity.
Americans seeking access to lifesaving transition surgeries still face a variety of roadblocks.
The film offers an exploration of gender through violence and body horror.
While Ruby has been out since last year, the family has only recently been public about it.
HB25 forces children to compete on teams misaligned with their gender identity.
How the demands and failings of a strict religion affected a gender-questioning child.
People who feel they came out 'late' seem to have something in common.
Like most things in life, getting gender-affirming care isn't always easy, but it is worth it.
Combat gender dysphoria while keeping your health in mind.
From mood swings to shifting sex drives, the first few months can complicate your social life.
The lack of controversy around the trans model's shoot is a harbinger of a more inclusive age.
Transitioning from male to female can be a long journey—here's what you need to know.
The fight for sexual liberation can include all, as long as we remember who we're fighting for.
Transitioning from female to male can be a long journey. Here's what you need to know.
Mutual attraction won't solve everything when it comes to trans sex: You have to talk it out.
It may represent entertainment for many, but for me, drag was a revelation.
If you date at all, you can use a dating app, especially with the range of options available.
How are you celebrating this year?
This warm, hazy glow of affirmation is easier to unlock than you think.
Dealing with the root cause of an unhealthy relationship with food can help in the bedroom, too.
We change and grow over time, and even day to day. For some people, this includes gender.
Medical experts aren’t sure about a direct link, but transmasculine people should be careful.
For many trans-masculine people, the decision to get bottom surgery is a complicated one.
Though the process may be difficult, it’s never too late to be who you truly are.
Sometimes, exploring your desires can lead to questions about your sexuality—and that's OK.
Drag queens? Transgender people? Femboys? What's the difference?
What do you need to know about FTM transitioning and masculinizing hormone therapy?
You're never too old to live the life you were meant to live.
While the trans community has made strides, it continues to face discrimination and violence.
Get comfortable talking about consent, sexual preferences and bodies with your companion.
'Whenever you want to' is always the right time for coming out.
Excluding LGBTQIA+ concerns in medicine can leave trans people hurting.
Learning about new ideas is great, but there’s a right and a wrong way to do so.
Times and people change. The gentlemanly thing to do is to keep up.
I’m navigating a gender transition in my relationship, and you can, too.
Hormone replacement therapy comes with obstacles. Take it from someone who’s been there.
As gender diversity increases, pronoun use has adapted. Find out how to be more inclusive.
Transgender individuals aren’t 'other people.' They can be your loved ones, so support them.
If you’re starting HRT, here’s how to make sure your sex life doesn’t suffer.