Waxing is by far the superior hair-removal method, but it’s still a mystery to many men.
Wild tales abound regarding bugs and dicks—and some may even be true. Read at your own risk.
Are you out of college and still using 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash? That's one.
Exfoliating your skin is a solid idea, but penis exfoliation might do more harm than good.
Douche properly using expert tips that will bring you comfort, cleanliness and confidence.

The Latest from Giddy

The relatively common condition can be avoided with proper hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.
This summer or winter, you can find sweet relief for your scratchy testicles.
Thrush is not just for women, so reduce your chances for fungal growth around your penis.
If you're one of the unlucky few with a latex allergy, try protection with different materials.
Simply letting soapy shower water run over your body parts doesn't cut it for daily maintenance.
Does my circumcision scar look weird and should it bother me as an adult man?
Treatable in its early stages, this skin infection causes scrotal problems if ignored.
Your shampoo, conditioner and soap shouldn't be in the same bottle.
Making a splash outdoors sounds adventurous and sexy...but can it lead to diseases and STIs?
Gentle, consistent cleaning helps keep uncircumcised penises healthy and can help reduce smegma.