Pubic hair grooming habits are constantly evolving. What pubic practice is best for you?
Douche properly using expert tips that will bring you comfort, cleanliness and confidence.
Here's what the science says about the benefits of pubic hair.
Trying to lighten your lady bits isn't a good idea—and could create problems.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.

The Latest from Giddy

Safer sex and routine screenings go a long way toward cervical well-being.
While the practice is quite common, your vagina doesn't need it. Here's why.
The vaginal health supplements are a 'grift' and 'anti-feminist,' OB-GYNs say on social media.
Whether the foods you eat taste good or bad, they won't make your vaginal smell different.
The social and cultural trends of wearing very tight clothes could be damaging your body.
The grooming products you use are probably damaging the environment—there are better options.
Wearing vaginal fluid as perfume isn't new but it's having a resurgence, thanks to influencers.
Irritation, hemorrhoids, discharge and UTIs can be unwanted results from wearing a thong.
Vaginal dryness can affect quality of life, but vitamin supplements may help with lubrication.
Revelations about intimate products are all over social media, but are the items necessary?