Waxing is by far the superior hair-removal method, but it’s still a mystery to many men.
Wild tales abound regarding bugs and dicks—and some may even be true. Read at your own risk.
Are you out of college and still using 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash? That's one.
Exfoliating your skin is a solid idea, but penis exfoliation might do more harm than good.
Douche properly using expert tips that will bring you comfort, cleanliness and confidence.

The Latest from Giddy

Does what you eat and drink really make a difference in intimate odor? Not so much.
Whether due to bacteria, STIs or prostate issues, unusual leaks are telling you to see a doctor.
Three procedures are lifting the look of this oft-ignored part of the body.
No one's genitals are immune to this irritating fungus. But you can do something about it.
Foreskin or no foreskin, your bits need a good cleaning. Find out how to get in there properly.
More men are discovering that their partners prefer some grooming below the belt.
Fear not, gentlemen: Just a few additions to your daily routine will make a big difference.
Keeping it neat and clean is good for your health, confidence and relationships. Here’s how.
The evolving face of men's grooming and hygiene is still fraught with myths.
The bare minimum isn't enough. Raise your hygiene standards by following a few cleanliness tips.