
The Latest from Giddy

Daily yoga and meditation practice can treat and prevent the most impactful menstrual symptoms.
Muscular benefits aside, lifting weights can also provide a libido boost to men and women.
Moving about the office or home a little at a time will make your body and brain thank you.
Your own body is the best piece of workout equipment you could ask for.
Exercise is important when you're expecting, but some activities do more harm than good.
The much-touted benefits of the HIIT workout may not outweigh the risks. Proceed with caution.
You may think ejaculating before playing sports is bad. Science has a different answer.
As exercise, running is an excellent option, but it could contribute to urinary issues.
Exercise may be the best medicine for your body. But how effective is it to fight substance use?
With a bit of creativity and courage, you can find new paths to reaching your full potential.