A little known disorder, Peyronie’s can affect the appearance and function of your penis.
How much penis curvature is too much? A urologist weighs in.
A curved or bent penis can have ramifications on your sex life.
This condition is defined as an unnatural curvature of the penis, but how do doctors confirm it?
A new curvature of your penis could point to this condition, but how does it develop?

The Latest from Giddy

An invasive procedure on your penis can be scary, but a skilled surgeon can straighten you out.
Surgery isn't an option in the penile condition's initial phase, but there are other choices.
A years-long media push has boosted awareness and mental health regarding this penis condition.
The 12-month study will try to shed light on a potential new way of healing penile scar tissue.
Medical outcomes can be positive but leave patients unsatisfied if expectations aren't set.
Pain reduction, curvature improvement and sexual function restoration are all possible.
No two dicks are the same, and that slight arc might actually improve your sex life.
What you think you know about Peyronie’s and late-onset penile curvature might be wrong.
A penis curvature often caused by trauma, Peyronie’s disease can affect your comfort during sex.
A little known disorder, Peyronie’s can affect the appearance and function of your penis.