Can Men Have Multiple Orgasms?

While it's widely known women can experience multiple orgasms during sex, it's believed men have only one orgasm whenever they ejaculate. However, it's possible for men to have multiple orgasms. In fact, according to a case study, one man had six orgasms over the course of 36 minutes.
So multiple orgasms appear to be possible for men, but they are not common. A 2016 article published in Sexual Medicine Reviews found that fewer than 10 percent of men in their 20s and less than 7 percent of men over the age of 30 reported experiencing multiple orgasms.
When discussing multiple orgasms in men, it's important to distinguish orgasms from ejaculation. An orgasm is the peak, or climax, of sexual pleasure, whereas ejaculation is the discharge of semen from the penis. You can have an orgasm without actually ejaculating.
Can I shorten the refractory period?
The refractory period is the period after ejaculation during which no amount of sexual stimulation can cause another orgasm. Refractory period lengths vary widely among men. Some guys may have a refractory period that lasts a few minutes, while others may take hours or even days. Older men tend to have longer refractory periods.
Men have a number of ways to possibly shorten their refractory period, though research is lacking on some of the techniques you might find on the internet.
However, the same ways in which you can improve your cardiovascular health, for example, can also improve your sexual health.
If you want to improve your sexual health and function, you can:
- Run, walk, swim or participate in other forms of cardio
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Eat healthy foods
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Treat underlying conditions such as diabetes
Some men try pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, in an attempt to shorten the refractory period. However, little to no research exists to show that these exercises will actually help. That said, such exercises could improve your overall sexual function and may help with premature ejaculation, because having stronger muscles that support the genitals can stop you from ejaculating too soon.
To potentially shorten your refractory period, you need to have optimal testosterone levels, which can be checked with bloodwork. Normal levels are between 300 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter. Symptoms of low testosterone include decreased libido, depression, weight gain, difficulty building muscle and brain fog. You can boost your T-level by eating healthy fats and proteins, getting a good night's sleep and lifting weights.
Non-ejaculatory orgasms
Also known as a dry orgasm, a non-ejaculatory orgasm happens when you climax but do not ejaculate semen. While people tend to associate an orgasm with ejaculation, the male orgasm actually occurs between two and seven seconds right before ejaculation. Symptoms include sensitivity throughout the body, quickening of breath and sensations throughout the penis and scrotum. Many men can stop at the point of ejaculation and experience orgasmic pleasure without ejaculating.
If you want to try to achieve multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms, practice the following strategies:
Squeeze method
When you're about to reach orgasm, you can try to halt the orgasm by squeezing the head of your penis. Hold it until the urge to ejaculate subsides. Your erection may diminish during this time. When the feeling passes, you can resume sex. This act of withholding ejaculation can help men enjoy multiple sexual peaks.
Also known as edging, the stop-and-start method is another form of orgasm control. This method can increase the intensity of your orgasm as well as increase your chance of having more than one orgasm. When you're about to ejaculate, stop penetration. You can resume activity when the feeling passes.
Then there's the P-spot
While we're on the subject of multiple orgasms, here's an orgasm that men can have without even having an erection.
Some men achieve intense orgasms when their prostate gland is being massaged through the rectum by a partner or a toy. Referred to as the P-spot, the prostate gland is surrounded by nerves that are highly receptive to sexual stimulation. Men who experience prostate orgasms may feel them all over their body. Prostate orgasms don't even have to involve penile ejaculation, and some men have them without even having an erection.
It's important to note that while multiple orgasms are possible, it's unclear whether all men have that ability. While more scientific research is obviously needed on the subject, you may find it enjoyable to try some of the techniques here to see if they work for you.