Ways to Keep Your Penis Feeling (and Acting) Younger

Typically beginning around age 40, a man's circulating testosterone levels begin to drop. Not only does this reduce libido and cause problems with erectile dysfunction (ED) for some men, it can also result in an actual reduction in penis size, as youthful cells are replaced by less elastic ones.
Additionally, fatty deposits and vascular problems are more common with age, and both reduce blood flow to the penis and contribute to problems getting and maintaining an erection. Decreased blood flow can also cause a decrease in the muscles involved in getting an erection, exacerbating the problem.
Even weight gain can make a penis appear smaller. The suprapubic fat pad can "bury" the penis, which makes it look smaller. Pubic hair can grow thin and get gray. Testicles, too, shrink with age as less sperm is produced. Scrotal muscles that pull testicles toward the body get weaker, causing the scrotum to hang lower—a condition exacerbated by natural sagging of skin. Penile nerves become less sensitive, causing a drop in sensation and contributing to orgasm difficulty and ED. As your penile muscles get weaker, you also may be unable to keep blood in the penis long enough to maintain an erection.
Sounds dire, maybe, but men have plenty of options for keeping their penis feeling younger.
Warning signs requiring medical attention
While most changes to your genitals are natural and relatively harmless, there may be cases where medical intervention is necessary.
Some men experience Peyronie's disease, a condition where the penis curves in response to scar tissue from trauma. This can lead to painful erections and requires medical evaluation.
Sagging and swelling around your testicles could be caused by a hydrocele, which is a fluid buildup around one or both testes. While most often painless, a hydrocele may require intervention if it causes significant discomfort. Men should additionally be screened for prostate cancer, because the risk of the disease increases with age.
Impact on mental & sexual health
Unfortunately, a lot of men feel that penis size and function define their masculinity. Losing either can be a huge blow to self-esteem, and a loss in self-confidence can make sex far less appealing. Anxiety can cause erectile dysfunction, and even if you can maintain an erection, difficulty orgasming and reduced sensation can make sex less enjoyable.
Stressing about your body and how it functions can make you less interested in having sex altogether, and that may end up damaging your relationship.
Prevention & reversing changes
Your body is going to change as you get older, no matter what. There's no miracle pill or method that will keep your body exactly as it was in your youth. But there are plenty of ways you can stay healthy as you age, and keep your sex life intact and thriving.
Eat a diet that promotes vascular function and maintain a healthy weight. Hydration can help, too, as it increases blood volume and circulation. Exercise, masturbation and having sex all help, because they increase blood flow to the penis. Most men are at least cursorily familiar with medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis), which can treat ED, but check with your doctor to make sure these prescriptions won't interact with any others you're taking.
Conversely, some of your current medications may actually be causing erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about switching medicines or dosages to counteract these side effects.
If you're overweight, shedding some pounds and getting in shape may make your penis appear larger. Some physicians even think that every 30 pounds lost can add a half or even a full inch in (perceived) length!
If you're experiencing ED or unsatisfactory erections, talk to your doctor about options. Penile reconstruction surgeries are available to treat Peyronie's disease or reshape the penis. There's even scrotoplasty to reduce scrotal sagging.
If you're suffering low testosterone, or low-T, consider testosterone replacement therapy, though be aware that it may cause testicular shrinkage.
Finding happiness in age
Softer erections are part of getting older, but they don't necessarily prevent you from having intercourse, or from having great sex.
Few men are born with a huge penis, and most overestimate "average size," which is about 5.16 inches when erect, just for the record. While most guys wish their penis was longer or had a bit more girth, chances are their partner is perfectly happy with it. Don't stress about a perfect body or perfect erections.
Pursue dietary interventions, medication changes, even a procedure if it will improve your life, but most of all, try to embrace your body with all of its imperfections and enjoy yourself.