The Latest from Giddy

BPH can make socializing difficult, but symptoms are manageable with treatment and planning.
Learn what patients and their partners can expect following a radical prostatectomy.
Urologists discuss the diagnosis and treatment of urinary infections and prostate inflammation.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a prostate issue that may hinder sex but can't hurt a partner.
Counselor Anne Katz adds new stories on how to support a partner who has received the diagnosis.
Research suggests PSA results skew too low in men who take the pain reliever regularly.
Tobacco products are linked to numerous issues, from ED to Peyronie's and infertility.
Cancer shouldn't be the first thought if your prostate-specific antigen levels are high.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia isn't life-threatening, but its complications can alter daily life.
Prostate cancer is highly treatable, and surgery isn't the only way.