In Case You Missed It

U.S. officials are warning of a rise in online blackmail scams targeting young men.

High prostate-specific antigen levels often are indicative of less serious issues.

An extra set of eyes can help alleviate anxiety during a sensitive examination or procedure.

This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.

The Latest from Giddy

Climate change may be affecting the world's weather, but your sex life? Find out.
While many sexual preferences can be fluid, an abrosexual person can change quickly and often.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Pregnant women who eat chocolate may help lower preeclampsia risk—but there are caveats.
You've had a C-section, and now you're worried about endometriosis. Is there a link?
Yes, prosthetic testicles are a thing. Here's the what, why, when and how about fake balls.
Often incorrectly referred to as testicular reduction, scrotoplasty solves a couple of issues.
With so many myths floating around, it's time to sort fact from fiction and get healthy.
Side effects can be debilitating for women, but there are ways to battle sexual dysfunction.
Traditionally marketed to women, period products should use inclusive language. Here's why.