Grooming and Hygiene

Not ready to take on waxing certain areas at home? You have options.
Save yourself from pain and trouble by identifying possible causes of urinary tract infections.
Hair-removal methods have varied over the years, but some are more effective than others.
When it comes to dyeing your hair, consider henna, a natural option.
Both men and women should remember to pee following sexual intercourse.
Pubic lice are unwelcome visitors but easily treatable when you know the facts.
Sorry, guys, but grooming is a bit more complicated than a biweekly shower and toothbrushing.
Sex, diet, exercise, stress, genetics and medications can all affect a person's body odor.
Are you capable? Wise? Aggressive? Learn what your mustache or beard might communicate.
In a ticklish conversation, success comes down to how you choose your words.
Your hair will shimmer and shine with appreciation under a natural touch.
You can lessen the impact of hair loss with good habits and medical treatments.
Learn how to naturally treat and get rid of the common problem of pubic lice at home.
Proper hygiene and attentive care will keep your whiskers in prime form.
There are pros and cons to each of these methods, but all of them may help boost confidence.
Your oral health can tell you more about your overall health than you think.
Drinking water and knowing how to wash your face are not enough for flawless skin.
Stop wasting cash on expensive fads and shop for these science-backed skincare ingredients.
A man holds his nose as he waves his other hand in front of it, smelling something bad.
Does what you eat and drink really make a difference in intimate odor? Not so much.
Before you go, know the risks, considerations and outcomes of the procedure.
What do adolescents need to know now about grooming that'll serve them the rest of their lives?
Celebrities may endorse skipping days or even weeks, but don't turn off the faucet just yet.
Experts say good dental hygiene can have positive effects on both the mind and the body.
Facial hair is often tied to 'masculinity,' but maybe our definition of the word is flawed.
If the thought of waxing makes you wince, try these pro tips to make the process less painful.
Our scalps and locks take a beating every day, but there are ways to keep them healthy.
A woman with an STD virus in place of her head shaves her legs with a razor
Burning below the belt can arise from a number of causes, whether it's a shave, a rash or more.
A blue line loops with itself repeatedly in an elaborate squiggle as white dots appear in different places.
It all starts with a scratch. Here's how to identify and prevent these itchy insects.
A pile of shredded black paper and a razor sit side by side on a pink background.
Is our obsession with clean-shaven bodies good for sexual health or just a fashion statement?
The buttocks of a person swimming in water has red spots on it.
If you've got bumps on your butt that aren't pimples, check out a few possibilities.
A hand pushes on a toilet handle to flush a pink toilet.
One is an issue of volume, the other of frequency. Both need to be treated—but differently.
A roman statue of a woman lounging has red spots around its rear-end.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is chronic inflammation that appears near the genitals and elsewhere.
A pattern of green shampoo bottles have a poison symbol on them against a blue and white soapy background.
Volatile organic compounds in personal care products can negatively affect fertility.
sunny yellow hairbrushes on bright pink background
From hormones to haircare, here's how you can help prevent losing more of your mane.
hand holdings blue bulb squeezer on light mint background
Douche properly using expert tips that will bring you comfort, cleanliness and confidence.
man lathering himself in shower with white soap suds
Are you out of college and still using 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash? That's one.