Grooming and Hygiene

Men's Grooming and Hygiene

The Basics

The Basics

Whether from the ravages of time or a medical condition, bald spots don't have to last forever.

Simply letting soapy shower water run over your body parts doesn't cut it for daily maintenance.

Celebrities may endorse skipping days or even weeks, but don't turn off the faucet just yet.

Gentle, consistent cleaning helps keep uncircumcised penises healthy and can help reduce smegma.


Facial hair is often tied to 'masculinity,' but maybe our definition of the word is flawed.

More men are discovering that their partners prefer some grooming below the belt.

Proper hygiene and attentive care will keep your whiskers in prime form.

Fear not, gentlemen: Just a few additions to your daily routine will make a big difference.


If the thought of waxing makes you wince, try these pro tips to make the process less painful.

Your shampoo, conditioner and soap shouldn't be in the same bottle.

Before you go, know the risks, considerations and outcomes of the procedure.

Some products could be problematic for your penis.


Inflammation of the penis head has several risk factors, and the origin determines treatment.

With specific care and attention, you can keep this unwelcome penis affliction at bay.

This penis condition is common but not well understood. Know how to debunk balanitis myths.

Caring for an uncircumcised penis requires diligence, but some simple steps can make it easier.

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