Men's Grooming and Hygiene | The Basics

We got ripped: A cooler of beer, an overnight sitter and a home kit made for a memorable night.

Whether from the ravages of time or a medical condition, bald spots don't have to last forever.

Simply letting soapy shower water run over your body parts doesn't cut it for daily maintenance.

Celebrities may endorse skipping days or even weeks, but don't turn off the faucet just yet.

Gentle, consistent cleaning helps keep uncircumcised penises healthy and can help reduce smegma.

Keeping it neat and clean is good for your health, confidence and relationships. Here’s how.

The bare minimum isn't enough. Raise your hygiene standards by following a few cleanliness tips.

Men can get yeast infections, too, and just knowing that fact can help you prevent them.

Frequent sufferers don't despair: This troublesome fungal infection is easily treated.

Here's a guide on how to avoid it—and treat it if you get it.

Safe hygiene habits are a good place to start when it comes to improving your sexual health.