In Case You Missed It

U.S. officials are warning of a rise in online blackmail scams targeting young men.

High prostate-specific antigen levels often are indicative of less serious issues.

An extra set of eyes can help alleviate anxiety during a sensitive examination or procedure.

This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.

The Latest from Giddy

A new study suggests the minipill could be 98 percent effective with typical use.
Meditation and sexual release both help you relax and relieve stress. Why not try them together?
Know the signs your doctor isn't telling you the whole truth––and how to avoid this situation.
It’s a common condition you may not even know you have, but here’s the scoop if you do.
The term is contentious, but experts and those affected say the condition's impact is profound.
Many women struggle with infertility. Is acupuncture the answer?
Midlife erectile dysfunction could signal deeper health issues, now and in the future.
Understanding your internal clock gets you a good night’s sleep and boosts your sexual health.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
An erection isn't required to have the big O. They are separate physiological responses.