In Case You Missed It

U.S. officials are warning of a rise in online blackmail scams targeting young men.

High prostate-specific antigen levels often are indicative of less serious issues.

An extra set of eyes can help alleviate anxiety during a sensitive examination or procedure.

This common condition is almost as misunderstood as the vagina itself.

The Latest from Giddy

Author Liz Moody lists science-backed ways to transform your mental, physical and sexual health.
Online dating can be difficult. Work smarter, not harder, with these 'get to know me' tips.
It's fine to use hair dye or bleach during pregnancy as long as you follow these tips.
Recognizing you have a sleep disorder is step one, figuring out which type is next.
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
How in the world are you supposed to find a date when you're in another country?
Do you want a Hollywood-style love affair? Think twice. There are a lot of red flags there.
Parents without partners face social stigmas, but still find ways to experience sexual pleasure.
Here's what you need to know about this eating disorder (that's actually a sensory disorder).
Increased inflammation can lead to low-T, erectile dysfunction and weight gain.