In Case You Missed It

New research suggests HPV vaccines work as well in men as women, if not better.

Don't believe your lying eyes. Sex onscreen isn't a standard for real life.

Experts explain what to expect as you're recovering from this major operation.

If you’re thinking of adding an element of fear to spice up your sex life, read this now...

The Latest from Giddy

Know the symptoms of CD and your predisposition for it. Getting tested could save your life.
The causes of this painful condition are difficult to pin down. Just know to seek care ASAP.
Despite the positives, setting aside a certain time for intimacy may not always be healthy.
During labor and delivery, you need a partner who's 100 percent able to support you. Here's how.
Are pelvic floor exercises your answer to being better in bed?
Pelvic inflammatory disease may be a silent guest in your body, but there are ways to find out.
A new study finds the threat level remains high even 20 years after delivery.
The period between a woman's reproductive years and menopause can bring myriad symptoms.
For adults, circumcision aftercare includes sexual restrictions.
Here are some aftercare and therapy options, as well as useful resources for caregivers.