This March is the 34th year that Disability Awareness Month has been recognized in the United States after Proclamation 5613 was signed in 1987. The declaration explained the importance of understanding and encouraging people with disabilities—and this year, Giddy wants to acknowledge and celebrate their sex lives, too.
People with disabilities are often the punchline and rarely viewed as sexual beings. This series aims to highlight lesser-known topics among the disabled community and open a conversation that normalizes and recognizes the lives of the 61 million adults living with a disability in the U.S.
They deserve to have equal opportunities and information surrounding their sexuality, sexual expression, romantic relationships and have overall control of their lives. With disabled young people being excluded from sex education rhetoric, preparation for love and sex is severely delayed and contributes to emotional and mental stress. By "othering" disabled bodies, we continue to harm disabled people and create barriers to sex.
Inclusive resources and dialogue are essential in creating a future where disabled bodies are made visible and disabled people are seen as empowered sexual members of society.
This month we look at the history of disability activism, the link between BDSM and autism, having sex as a wheelchair user, sex surrogacy and the future of disability sex education.
Giddy aims to eradicate myths and misinformation surrounding all sexual health topics and this month, we hope our series of disability-focused articles introduce the wild and wonderful world of having sex with a disability.