The Latest from Giddy

Experts weigh in on what you need to know to battle a swollen vagina.
The grooming products you use are probably damaging the environment—there are better options.
The FDA mandated new research on this controversial treatment after banning it in 2019.
Wearing vaginal fluid as perfume isn't new but it's having a resurgence, thanks to influencers.
Irritation, hemorrhoids, discharge and UTIs can be unwanted results from wearing a thong.
Your comfort and confidence is surely important, but doctors urge caution.
Sexual dysfunction caused by clitoral phimosis is more common than you may think.
In this exclusive Q&A, Kate White, M.D., discusses her latest book about embracing your body.
In rare cases, PVD may be a side effect of the birth control pill.
Take care of your mental health or you may see the ramifications in your vagina.