In Case You Missed It

Pour yourself a cup of Joe. That morning coffee could provide an unexpected health benefit.

Sperm swim through sticky fluids without losing much energy. New research explains how.

Studies indicate obesity and stress may be factors, but a definitive answer remains elusive.

Don't waste time on workouts that don't deliver results—there are ways for older men to get fit.

The Latest from Giddy

The 1864 law criminalizes all abortions except those necessary to save a pregnant person's life.
Here's what you really need to know about trich, a common sexually transmitted infection.
Extreme stress, a sedentary lifestyle and autoimmune disease all contribute to hypothyroidism.
The justices' decision could restrict or protect abortion pill access for millions of Americans.
Most STDs and STIs are curable if caught early, and if not, they can be managed with treatment.
Your depression hasn't improved and you've been referred to a psychiatrist. What now?
Improve your mood with nutrition essentials for mental health.
Prevention and intervention are beneficial for your physical and psychological well-being.
No set cholesterol level requires medication. Diagnosis and treatment are individual.
Asthma impacts almost every aspect of your life. Asthma and sex? Yes, they're connected.