In Case You Missed It

Regardless of what you may have heard, sexual activity is not involved.

Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.

Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.

'My body, my choice' applies to your little ones as much as it applies to you.

The Latest from Giddy

This mind and body practice can help improve your general well-being, as well as your sex life.
This painful condition usually doesn't discriminate, but there are factors to keep in mind.
If you're asthmatic, sexual activity could leave you breathless. But for all the wrong reasons.
Realizing you have CKD is your most important first step and then you make plans from there.
The ethical porn director says the position is a 'crucial element' in filming sex scenes.
With problems as varied as the parts that make up its anatomy, the vulva needs some attention.
You should know what IUD strings feel like and how to find them.
Find out what expedited partner therapy and patient-delivered partner therapy are really about.
There's efficiency in numbers. But having too many dates in one night may have its drawbacks.
It's time to consult your doctor if you experience more than one of these red flags.