In Case You Missed It

Regardless of what you may have heard, sexual activity is not involved.

Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.

Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.

'My body, my choice' applies to your little ones as much as it applies to you.

The Latest from Giddy

Sleep experts explain what this condition looks like and dispel common myths surrounding it.
Here's why standard STI testing doesn't include this condition, and why it may not matter.
More than 100 such conditions affect millions of Americans by attacking healthy cells.
A urologist demystifies a condition that causes inflammation of the glans penis.
Often called a child's issue, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can persist in adulthood.
Aside from the classic headache, there are five different types you need to learn about.
You don't have to be kinky to be more assertive, but it might just help.
Here are the statistics and the outlook for a common type of gynecological disease.
Here is what you need to know if you're feeling uncomfortable and inflamed 'down there.'
Did you know that some people may be more at risk of certain cancers than others?