In Case You Missed It

Research finds more vegetables, fruit and whole grains may reduce incidence by 22 percent.

A study suggests it may be possible to make up for that wild week of sleep deprivation.

Getting appropriate amounts of this essential nutrient can improve your health in many ways.

Undergrad sex weeks invite convos about consent, kink and partnerships.

The Latest from Giddy

Experts advise on the challenges of this mental health condition and sexual relationships.
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Here's why having penetrative or oral sex after a boric acid suppository is a bad idea.
It doesn't have to be strictly sexual. There are other reasons why some women enjoy these clips.
It’s affectionate and protective but also confusing. What does a forehead kiss mean after sex?
Guys might know how much protein they need, but fiber is another essential nutrient.
We know exercise can help relieve symptoms of depression, but it's difficult to get motivated.
Sexual fulfillment isn't limited to just having orgasms. It's time to let go and have fun.
Feminist values and submissive play don't have to be at odds with each other.
All three offer various kinds of support during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.