In Case You Missed It

New research suggests HPV vaccines work as well in men as women, if not better.

Don't believe your lying eyes. Sex onscreen isn't a standard for real life.

Experts explain what to expect as you're recovering from this major operation.

If you’re thinking of adding an element of fear to spice up your sex life, read this now...

The Latest from Giddy

In the population most affected by prostate cancer, yearly blood testing can help.
There's no cure for these disorders, but lifestyle changes may allow you to avoid them.
The yoni herbal suppository has no proven benefits and comes with potential side effects.
Even effective medications can wreak havoc on your libido.
It's important to be honest, but really, does your partner need to know everything about you?
If you're a fan of black pepper and other seasonings, we've got good news for you.
Removing the uterus is recommended for a variety of conditions.
It all starts with a scratch. Here's how to identify and prevent these itchy insects.
Essentially a natural lubricant, precum may contain sperm and a chance of infection.
Welcome to the era of breadcrumbing, soft launching and virtual dating.