In Case You Missed It

Dense breasts can obscure mammograms and raise breast cancer risk.

Misinformation can be dangerous wherever you find it. Here's how to stay safe.

Sex toys—or 'immoral rubber goods'—were once as illegal as they were popular.

Knowing when your boys need an intervention—and acting quickly—could be the key to keeping them.

The Latest from Giddy

Intercourse shouldn't cause pain but if it does, here's why and how to reduce the discomfort.
Here's what your daybreak and nighttime boners reveal about your sexual health.
For some women, wearing pads can cause unwanted skin irritation.
They can help with anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks, but are benzos affecting your sex life?
The answer isn't clear-cut. Spearmint tea likely can't hurt when paired with viable treatments.
Find out what to expect when inducing lactation.
Testosterone replacement therapy is offered in many places. Good care goes beyond that.
Labels and rules given to you early on can affect your perception of who you really are.
Where you live, who performs it, your insurance plan and even time of year affect the price tag.
TikTok panic about the common ingredient titanium dioxide is overblown, experts say.