In Case You Missed It

New research suggests HPV vaccines work as well in men as women, if not better.

Don't believe your lying eyes. Sex onscreen isn't a standard for real life.

Experts explain what to expect as you're recovering from this major operation.

If you’re thinking of adding an element of fear to spice up your sex life, read this now...

The Latest from Giddy

Friends with benefits (FWB) sounds like the perfect arrangement, but there’s work involved.
A key to safe sexual activity is an informed decision about what contraception is best for you.
How does UC feel, and what tests do doctors run if they believe you have it?
Climaxes release chemicals that increase feelings of intimacy and satisfaction among partners.
Any form of exercise, lifting and weight training included, can help your erectile dysfunction.
Coping with a CF diagnosis is difficult. Find the ideal method for you.
The 'Harry Potter' actor says he went through 'one of the worst things I've ever experienced.'
Don't underestimate the power of being fit. It really is the 'magic pill.'
Here's what to expect in your daily life as you're dealing with alcohol use disorder.
Adding the right foods to your diet can make anal sex more comfortable.