In Case You Missed It

Dense breasts can obscure mammograms and raise breast cancer risk.

Misinformation can be dangerous wherever you find it. Here's how to stay safe.

Sex toys—or 'immoral rubber goods'—were once as illegal as they were popular.

Knowing when your boys need an intervention—and acting quickly—could be the key to keeping them.

The Latest from Giddy

More than art for art's sake, it's simple, expressive and might help your anxiety or depression.
Know the symptoms of PID so you can protect yourself.
Vaginal dryness can affect quality of life, but vitamin supplements may help with lubrication.
If you experience pain with vaginismus and penis-in-vagina sex, this could be your chance.
Empty shelves cause some people to panic, but don't fret. You have options.
Men do suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder. But what is it and how is it treated?
You deserve comprehensive and compassionate care regardless of your sexuality.
Vertigo doesn't have to make your love life spin out.
Just a little drink to help the medicine go down. What could go wrong?
Be gentle with yourself, mama. Don't fret about body image and find positive support.