Grooming and Hygiene

The Latest from Giddy

An infected Skene's gland may be the cause of your bladder discomfort.
Simply letting soapy shower water run over your body parts doesn't cut it for daily maintenance.
Some experts recommend yearly pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) for preventive care.
Facial hair is often tied to 'masculinity,' but maybe our definition of the word is flawed.
Shivering may not sound like the best way to start your day, but many swear by it.
You may experience abnormal or frequent urination—but is it a symptom of a full-blown infection?
Experts say good dental hygiene can have positive effects on both the mind and the body.
Celebrities may endorse skipping days or even weeks, but don't turn off the faucet just yet.
What do adolescents need to know now about grooming that'll serve them the rest of their lives?