Culture and Identity

Culture and Entertainment

The Basics
Sex Ed

The Basics

Birds do it, bees do it. So why shouldn't people with disabilities do it?

From 12th-century Asia to today's fitness studios, the art form has traveled to the mainstream.

From Sisqo to Victoria's Secret, the love of the thong dates to at least 1939..

Your genetic makeup is a window to your future health. It's also your most precious asset.


Here's how urology specialists are fighting low-quality medical advice on various platforms.

What web-based sex work reveals about labor and disability.

Turns out, superheroes are better at saving cities than coping with their emotional trauma.

'Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste' dives in.

Sex Ed

Sexually transmitted infections are super-common, but common misconceptions abound.

Spoiler alert: Orgasms don't just feel great, they're healthy for you, too.

The intricacies of your anatomy should be cause for celebration, not confusion.

Kids with disabilities receive little to no information on sexual health.


Soldiers speak out and the Army listens, enacting a new directive to help parents.

If you've recently been diagnosed with cancer, telling your children is an important step.

The desire for a family is more complicated for queer couples than for others.

You already have enough to figure out. Now here comes puberty.

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When Endometriosis Isn't a 'Woman's Disease'

Excluding LGBTQIA+ concerns in medicine can leave trans people hurting.

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Understanding Your Vagina

WTF is Blue Vulva?

And why do we only ever talk about blue balls?

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Sex 101

Science Explains Why You Bite Your Partner in Bed

Biting during heightened periods of sexual arousal isn’t only normal: it’s a natural reaction.

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Understanding Your Prostate

What Is Prostate Milking (and Does It Hurt)?

It can be good for your health and mind blowingly pleasurable—sometimes both.

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Understanding Medical Bias Toward Female Sexual Disorders

Slow strides are being made toward a more open understanding of women's sexual dysfunction.

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